Chapter 10

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Lila was screaming. Keir couldn't take it anymore, he rushed inside the room as the healer was applying a bandage to her head. The cloth wrapped around her jaw, forcing it closed, up to the top of her head. Lila spotted him and immediately reached for him. The sight made him preen with pride and warmth spread in his chest. She felt safe with him. She was seeking him out for the comfort he could give her. He was what she needed, a good Alpha. Perhaps his Alpha was just overestimating his abilities, but he would enjoy the feeling while it lasted. Once Lila regained her memory fully, he doubted she would give in to her Omega as much as she had been the last few days.Days. It had taken Devon days to find a healer worth a damn to treat Lila.

He wrapped her into his arms, holding her tightly and purring like his life depended on it. He was starting to think it did. The Omega in his arms was quickly becoming his whole world and the idea terrified him.

The healer finished the bandages and took a look at the bite marks that were unhealed, frowning.

"These need tended too," He directed his anger towards Keir.

"They aren't mine. I wasn't sure if it would make it worse," He replied, continuing his purr.

Lila nuzzled in closer to him.

The healer pursed his lips.

"Tending them should help her heal. Your purr has already sped the healing of her bones and the more her Omega feels tended to the better."

"I'm not exactly sure how many there are." Keir murmured.

"Are you going to be able to control yourself if I examine her?" The healer asked.

The implication in his tone should have angered him, but instead, he simply nodded.

Turning his attention to Lila, he pried the Omega from his mating gland.

"Lila, the healer needs to check over the rest of you to make sure there are no other wounds that need tending." He waited for her nod, then continued," Do you need me to help you undress?"

Her eyes went wide a moment, seemingly distant in her thoughts, before nodding slowly. Rising with her in his arms, he sat her gently onto her own feet. Maya had quickly dressed her before bringing her here, grabbing a simple blouse and pants to cover her, along with a cloak.

Keir unbuttoned the blouse and dropped it on the bed. The healer said nothing but coughed and a worried look crossed his face as he took in the myriad of scars and fresh bites covering her torso. He moved forward to acess one and Keir reined in his Alpha before he could snatch the man's hand. The healer gently pressed into bruised skin along her ribs and examined a particularly nasty bite wound just below her right breast.

Lila sucked in a breath and her hand reached his arm, tugging him closer. His heart thundered in his chest, the need to care for his Omega thrumming in his blood.

"I'm going to disinfect these, but any ointment I have would pale in comparison to the saliva of an Alpha for an Omega. Tend these at least twice a day." The healer went ahead with his disinfecting and then motioned for Lila to remove her pants.

Keir dipped down, tugging them down, gently pulling her legs from them one at a time. She just watched him, a strange sense of awe covering her features. The spoiled scent of blood hit his nostrils and a dangerous growl ripped from his throat.

"Oh, dear Gods," the healer gasped.

Black dried blood caked her thighs and intimate areas, He could tell at once what that bastard had done to her. He'd ripped his inflated knot from her. Clenching his jaw, his hands, he struggled to remain conscious as his Alpha demanded reprehension for what had been done to his mate. Mate. She hadn't agreed to that yet, but his Alpha didn't seem to care. That was what she was and he would have her.

Survive the Day: A dark Omegaverse romanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang