Chapter 9

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"Lila! Lila! Oh my God, please wake up." The voice was frantic. Her world was shaking or was that someone shaking her? Her conscious mind felt foggy and slow. She tried to open her eyes, but nothing happened.

She tried to move her hand and felt it twitch against some kind of cloth. Feeling determined, she attempted to push herself up. Indescribable pain slammed into her and she surrendered to whatever she lay on. She moaned as fiery hot pain coarse through her body but felt centralized on her face. She started to ask who was there, but she couldn't move her mouth, or her tongue. The area felt completely immobilized and the pain was unbearable. Her stomach turned and she wretched. Whatever pain she felt prior was nothing compared to this.

She began to choke on the vomit that couldn't escape her mouth. A hand reached behind her back and tilted her sideways allowing it to flow out of her. She wheezed and coughed, which hurt even worse. Was this how she would die? The question floated around her brain.

"Lila, I've got you. Let's get you to a healer. I'm going to have to pick you up." Maya's sweet tone rattled Lila's brain.

She groaned but did her best not to vomit on her friend, as she hefted her into her arms.

"I'm going to kill him. This...this is too far," Maya mumbled, her steps steady and determined.

Lila was confused. She searched her mind for the mysterious "him" Maya was speaking about, but everything slipped through her thoughts like smoke. Exhausted and overwhelmed, she tucked the top of her head in towards Maya's shoulder, breathing in the familiar pheromones. They were tinged with rage and smelled burnt, but Lila didn't care. She took comfort in the fact she was safe.


At some point, she must've dozed off because she was no longer moving. She felt something soft beneath her back and several cold sensations across her face. She tried to open her eyes and her right one didn't budge, however, her left opened just a sliver. Soft light filtered in and she fought the urge to wipe away the sand from her eye.

Whispered arguing inside the room reached her.

"I'm sorry, sir, madam, I- I've been instructed not to help in any way. Just the ice in itself..I've put myself and my family in danger. You have to understand." The man pleaded.

"If you won't help her, tell me someone who can," Maya's growl rang throughout the room, causing Lila to flinch and moan in pain.

She felt what she laid on dip with the weight of her friend. Rough hands stroked damped hair from her forehead.

"Shhh, don't worry Lila, I'll help." It was clear Maya was trying to comfort her, but the way her voice wavered had Lila on edge.

"Perhaps, perhaps the Prince of the visiting country could be of assistance," The man offered softly.

Maya's growl was vicious.

"I've had enough of Alpha men and their posturing. I don't want her stuck in the middle of it."

Lila began to shake violently. Her body felt a hair's breadth away from giving up. Did she want to give up? Was there something that made her want to stay?

"No matter your opinion of Alphas, madam. He may be her only option," With that, Lila heard the door open and close.

May leaned her forehead against Lila's hand.
"What am I to do, Lila? He won't let anyone help you. There are only so many people I know of with medical training," Maya's voice broke. "The kids can't lose you. I can't lose you."
Maya's pain broke Lila's heart, she moved her hand to cradle her face. She opened her one eye and blinked once.

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