Chapter 19

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 Chapter 19

She was most certainly not a natural. She struggled to maintain her balance as the horse trotted after the group. She bounced wildly, almost coming completely out of the saddle more than once. The horse steered well enough at least, but seemed to buzz with energy beneath her.

"You're making her nervous," Keir said, coming to a walk beside her.
Lila turned her attention to him, which was a mistake because the horse chose that moment to come to a stop to bite at a fly on its leg. She plummeted forward, almost going over the horse's neck. She groaned as her muscles strained to push herself back into the saddle behind her. She busied herself with untangling her fingers from the horse's mane which she had clung to to stop her descent.

"Whose idea was it for me to ride on my own?" She growled.

"Mine," Keir answered.

She could hear the smile in his tone and it made her angrier.

"Why?" She snapped.

"Because you are in no danger and it's time you learned."

Lila fumbled for words, but Keir shook his head.

"You need to figure this out for yourself. Balance using your legs, move with the horse." He offered.

She rolled her eye.

"Move with the horse," She muttered, but he was already moving ahead of her again.

It took time, but she did eventually gain some of her balance. She could now stay seated at all three gaits, as long as the horse didn't deviate from the path the others were on.

They had crossed the border not long ago and Keir had offered to ride with her for a time, but she refused. She was determined to master this skill, to show him she could.

Crossing the border didn't have the effect she thought it would. She had thought there would be soldiers waiting to greet them. She had thought some enormous relief would crash through her when she stepped foot on foreign soil. But it was just that, foreign. The land had begun to change and while she looked on at it in wonder, it was still so unknown to her.

Sandy dunes gave way to grass covered earth, even if it was sparsely covered. She stared at the grass a little too long and began to slide sideways toward it. She couldn't help but yearn to touch it, to feel it beneath her feet. Would it shift like sand beneath her weight?

The further they traveled the greener it became and she could see why this country was prospering, while others struggled. Food was abundant here. It made the country of Aniya a sought after trade partner and why she had reached out to them in the first place under the guise of the King. Her children would be safe here. They wouldn't have to worry about food here.

She looked up and saw a large encampment ahead. Her heart pounded and she pushed her mount into a trot. She instantly regretted her decision and she bounced relentlessly in the saddle. She grit her teeth and focused on getting up to the group.

She came up to Maya's side. Leon had a hold of the reins and was grinning widely at her. His face was lit up with boyish joy and pride. It made her heart warm. This. This is what she had yearned for all those years and it had seemed unattainable. The lightheartedness of childhood and ability to just be a kid. She was so glad they were here, so glad to have given them this chance.

"Mama, I'm riding a horse! Maya taught me how to use the reins and my legs. I'm doing even better than you," Leon crooned, teasing her.

She couldn't argue with that. He looked like a natural. Holding the reins securely in his hands and sitting tall in the saddle, even if Maya was behind him.

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