Chapter 7

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 It took two full hours to get Delza calmed down enough to sleep. Lila stroked her daughter's hair absentmindedly. Her mind and body were both equally exhausted. The events prior to Delza's coughing fit nearly threw her into a panic attack. Prince Keir was the Alpha. The Alpha who made her Omega swoon and come to life within her. The Alpha who she was hoping would save her children. Everything had become so much more complicated. She would have to see him alone eventually and even though that sent butterflies through her stomach, it caused her head to hurt with the effort of keeping her Omega from doing whatever she pleased.

"Prince Keir is very different from Father," Leon spoke suddenly, shattering the silence in the room.

"He seems to be," Lila sighed.

What more could she say? She didn't know this man on an intimate level or well enough to gauge his true personality.

"He was concerned about Delza. He asked Father why he hasn't sent for healers," Leon spoke again, eyeing her.

That shocked her. She had been so focused on Delza and calming her, that she hadn't heard that conversation behind her.

"How do you know that?"
"Alpha hearing and I'm nosey," Leon grinned, smugly.

Lila smiled at him. It had been such a long time since she had been graced with his smiles. She untangled herself from Delza on that bed and joined him on the couch.

"What else did you hear, my little curious one?"She asked, ruffling his hair.

"The other Alpha offered to send healers once the trade was set up," He said, leaning into her side.

She wrapped him in her arms and breathed in his comforting scent. The children had a way of soothing her Omega and herself. It was the one aspect they were in sync with.

"Stay with your sister, I will be back soon," She gave Leon another gentle hug and shut the door behind her.

Lila leaned against the wall near the door letting her head fall back.

"So," Maya started and Lila merely turned her head in her direction in acknowledgment.

"That's him?"

Lila felt a blush rising in her cheeks and her heartbeat pick up. She gave a short nod.

"Oh, Maya, what am I going to do?," she whispered, turning her eyes to her friend.

Maya stepped forward, wrapping her in a hug.

"You're going to get that herb, first, and then you're going to get you and the children out of here." Maya stroked her back calmly her scent a balm to the nervous energy running through her.

"There's no where I could go, Maya, that he would not find me. We are bonded," Lila murmured, into her shoulder.

Maya pulled away and cupped her jaw with her hand.

"Stranger things have happened, Lila. Hold on to your hope just a little longer."

Lila couldn't find the words to tell her friend just how much of a struggle that might be.

"Now let's go find that Prince. It's about time you two have a conversation."


Lila followed Maya through the maze of the castle walls, looking over her shoulder anxiously the whole time.

"Maya,"she hissed," Do you even know where he is?"

Survive the Day: A dark Omegaverse romanceWhere stories live. Discover now