Chapter 1

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 Lila swam through the frigid river and pulled herself up onto the side of the bank. She rose from the damp sand, clutching the bag settled at her hip. There was a good amount of jewels in that bag, but somehow she worried it wouldn't be enough. The comfort that they could buy for her daughter, Delza, was priceless. She shivered as a breeze blew through, chilling her dampened body. The temperature in this desert land would only grow colder as the night went on. It was best to make her way towards Madira's house. Madira had been her dearest friend, but that seemed like lifetimes ago. She could only hope that her friend still held some fond memories, or at least sympathy if nothing else.

She made her way to the outskirts of the village which sat just the castle walls. Lila pulled her soaking cloak over her head and dodged through the streets until she was standing before Madira's door. A million doubts and a thousand apologies that she had never had the chance to voice clogged her throat. Squeezing her eyes closed for a second to compose herself and she knocked on the door. Several voices and clatter sounded from the small adobe home, but a boy opened the door.

Lila frowned a moment, thinking she may have the wrong house, or perhaps Madira had left the city. The boy's eyes took her in and he raised his eyebrow.

"Why are you so wet?" His dark eyes glittered with amusement.

"Now Sam is that any way to answer the door. At least ask who it is or what they want," Madira's voice trilled from inside.

Tears sprang to Lila's eyes. She was here. She was still here. Her panic morphed into hope. Madira would help her or else she would convince her somehow. The jewels in her pocket would do her little good because she knew Madira would never accept them anyway.

"It's Lila," she spoke, her voice trembling either from the cold or nerves.

The door swung open, a shocked Madira standing in the entryway. Her beautiful green eyes were wide, her mouth open in surprise. Long locks of dark hair framed her face, and against her tanned skin, the effect was stunning. Madira's shock faded to concern as she covered her mouth with her hand.

"I thought you were dead," She cried, as she lunged forward wrapping Lila in a desperate hug.

Tears swam in Lila's eyes and finally, she let them fall. She was safe. Madira was the only family, besides her children, that she had left. Madira pulled away, a confused look on her face.

"Why are you wet, Lila? You'll catch a cold out here in the night air. Come in, come in." Madira pulled on her elbow and ushered her inside.

"Samael, pull a stool over by the fire. Zara, grab another dress and cloak of mine for Lila." Madira directed and the children scampered to do as she asked.

"I didn't know you had children. I didn't know you even had a mate." Lila smiled, but the happiness dimmed as Madira grimaced.

"My mate passed not long after the birth of your second child. We adopted these children, just like my parents had done for you."

Lila reached out and grabbed Madira's hand.

"I'm so sorry Madira," She murmured, eyes threatening to water again.

There were so many things she was sorry for. Sorry for leaving her friend, sorry for not heading her warnings, sorry for not being here when she had needed her. The sorrow had taken root within her soul long ago and had grown so twisted inside her that she doubted she would ever be free of it.

Madira sniffed, wiping away a stray tear. A little girl with flaming red hair and pale skin bounded into the room with a bundle of clothing in her hands.

Survive the Day: A dark Omegaverse romanceWhere stories live. Discover now