Roan comes in the door and her eyes widen in panic. He just stares at her, looking between the two of you.

"I'm sorry, sire." She apologises looking down and Roan rolls his eyes.

"I'm not your King anymore Echo." He tells her.

"Right, I'm sorry. I was banished. I shouldn't have come. I'm truly sorry, sire. I just wanted to thank her." Echo says.

Roan sighs and walk past her to you.

"I'm not King anymore Echo." He corrects himself. He looks down at you and takes your hand. "I am Azgeda no more. Y/n, is my people."

Echos eyes widen but looks between the two of you, seeing the love in and loss in his eyes.

"She will wake up." She then says and Roan looks up at her. "I can feel it. She knows you're waiting for her."

Roan frowns and but gives her a slight grateful smile and she smiles with a nod, then leaves, glancing at the two of you with a sad smile before leaving.


Murphy and Emori came by, Roan left them to help Bellamy and Monty while they took at seat beside your bed.

"Hey, Doc." Murphy says. "Time to wake up. Everyone is missing you and wants to see your warm smile. It always used to annoy me when you came by my cell, to do a medical check up. You were always smiling. How do you do that? Smile all the time and be nice to everyone no matter who they are or what they've done?"

Emori elbows him slightly, before turning to you.

"We wanted to, I wanted to, thank you for trying to stop them from testing on me, even volunteering like that. But we're glad you didn't get to. Because I can tell that if anyone deserves it, you're the last person on that list. You wouldn't even be on the list. So thank you, for trying to save someone you didn't even know. A Frikdreina." Emori says, taking your hand and squeezing it softly. "I can't wait to get to know you. The others tell so many stories about you. And we can see the look in Roans eyes when they tell them. He really loves you."


Bellamy came by you, he had hesitated for a some time. He looks down at you lying in the bed with a trembling lip. He puts a chair beside it and sits down. Taking your hand carefully in his he looks at your resting face.

"Hey, sis." He calls you for the first time, he had always seen you as one but just hadn't called you that.

Sniffling, he takes a deep breath.

"Listen. We need you, alright? So you have to wake up." He tells you sternly.

But then lets out a soft sob.

"I've already been separated from my sister, I can't loose another. So, please Y/n, wake up." He begs you.

You just lay there, sleeping. Your limp hand in his bigger ones as he holds it.


Raven comes by your bedroom while Roan was there, she asks him to do something for her while she stays with you for a moment. He just nods and leaves, looking a bit dazed as he goes to find Monty.

"Hey, Y/n." She says coming toward you on the bed, looking at your limp figure. "You gonna wake up soon, right? We really miss you. Roan is a mess without you. He does the work, but he's barely there, you know. Constantly thinking and worrying about you. We all are." She tells you.


One day while Roan was working, Harper had come by to check up on you like she did regularly, but you weren't there.

She runs to the others. Roan dropped what he was doing the second she said you were gone.

"Shit, no! Sorry, not gone. Just not in bed, I can't find her." She then says realising he thought she meant you were dead.

Then suddenly they hear a faint bird noise in the distance and Roan freezes, that bird call being the one he taught you to use to call for him. He runs out and into the hallway, following the sound and eventually he finds you standing by a window looking down at earth.

Roan stops and approaches you slowly from behind.

"Mahena." He breathes out. You turn to him smiling with a relieved sigh.

"Roan." You reach out for him and he moves closer and into your arms, letting out a shaky breath of relief and joy.


After having just held each other for a long and needed moment you both pull away and smile lovingly at each other. You reach up and stroke a tear from his cheek. He leans into your touch, closing his eyes.

You turn in his arms, making him hold around you from behind leaning your head on him while you look down at earth. His strong arms protectingly wrapped around you and his face snuggled down into your neck. Leaning into him you let out a content sigh but also sad as you look at earth. Roan glances up and look down too.

He catches you up on what had happened after you passed out, talking into your ear softly while you both looked down at earth. You let a few tears fall down from having to leave Clarke behind. After he was done you just stay in his arms, savouring the feeling of being in his arms, alive and safe.

"So, this is we're you grew up. The view must've been beautiful.. when.. uh, before.." He then says frowning sadly at how earth is now, clenching his jaw. He takes a deep breath. "Did you often look down?"

You nod silently, before deciding to lift the spirit a bit.

"I do have a habit of staring at you." You tell him and he laughs, shaking his head slightly in amusement.

You chuckle with him before you turn to him again with a worried smile. You reach up and wrap your arms around his neck.

"How do you feel? About all of this." You ask, looking around at your surroundings. "Being stuck here for 5 years."

He reaches up and caress your neck intimately and you look up at him. Looking into your eyes he smiles softly.

"I'm with you, I'll be more than fine." He just states.

You both smile when he leans down to put his lips on yours.

Author note :
Unfortunately that's all I've got for now.
I don't know how to put Roan and Y/N in for the rest of the series, but I would want them to have a happy ending.

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