Delayed Flight

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Chaeyoung' POV

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Chaeyoung' POV

As I read the article I couldn't contain my excitement. That's Myoui Mina! One of the most known model and actress across the globe! I'm a big fan of hers, since she was just starting her career. When I saw her, I instantly fell for her. Her acting is sooooo good! The characters she portrayed are always on point!

Anyway, I can't contain my excitement, because we're at Seoul International Airport waiting for our flight. When I saw that Mina Unnie was having a premiere night at Japan, I immediately book a flight! I'm also with my friends, since they said they want to tag along.

"Looks like someone is extra happy today?" Jeongyeon Unnie said.

"I bet it's about Mina Unnie again," Dahyun Unnie added.

"When did she ever not get excited when its about Mina Unnie?" Tzuyu savagely rebutted.

"Yah! You're mean Tzuyu-yah! And you can't blame me! It's THE Myoui Mina we're talking about here!" I replied.

"Yeah yeah.. We know you're her first fan and all yada yada" Dahyun Unnie said.

"I mean who would cut classes just to go watch a movie Mina was in? While also watching the same movie six times already and was still gushing over how pretty she was." Jeongyeon Unnie utter.

"Is this also the same person would attend ALL the press conferences of Mina Unnie? Even though her roles were mostly extras or second leads. Who always panics when giving Unnie so many gifts even though no one was acknowledging her back then?" Tzuyu added.

"My bro's been in love with her from the start" Dahyun Unnie teased as she hug me

"What can I say? I will always be her first supporter" I confidently said to them

They all just nodded their heads and gave me a thumbs up, which we all laughed at.

"Did you bring your gifts for her?" Jeongyeon Unnie asked.

"Of course Unnie! It's in my luggage, but I also wrote a letter for her! I hope I can give it to her personally" I said worriedly.

"But hey.. Cheer up! I think you'll see her before she—" Dahyun Unnie was cut off when we heard noises from the entrance.

We looked behind us and saw the press with their cameras flashing all over the place. Then I saw her.. It's Mina Unnie! along with her co-actresses Sana and Momo Unnie.

Whoooaaa.. I didn't expect to see them this early! I thought I'll just be seeing them at the premiere night. They were surrounded by tons of bodyguards, along with them are their other friends.

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