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Chaeyoung' POV

Hi am Chaeyoung! People call me mostly Chae, I'm an actress and well not to boast but I do have fans around the globe. I still kept my feet beyond ground, people do compliment me but I'm shy so I feel unease whenever I am complimented. We are just on a break from our taping I'm here at the coach relaxing, I thought of messaging my wife


To: Wifey <3

Hi! Just taking a break, how about you? Don't skip another meal, I'm warning you. 


I just sigh, maybe she' busy. I'm worried about her, Sana Unnie said she' so busy that she didn't eat her meal. I scold her after that, I didn't talk to her a day or so because her reason was she's busy that she forgot to eat. I didn't talk to her within a day, I was worried because she's doing it for 2 days straight. Eventually, she apologize and said that she'll keep track of eating her meal from now on.  

"That's deep, any problems?" I was startled, so I look at the person who just spoke

"It's just you, Jhiyo Unnie" I replied, I calm myself

"Sorry to startle you honey, so again, Any problems? That's some deep sigh you know" She said as she seat next to me

"Nothing Unnie, I'm just worried about her not eating her meals again" I said and frown, as I wait for a reply

"You know her, busy as ever. But your right, health first before anything" Unnie replied

"Hays.. If I hear from Sana Unnie Again I'm gonna realyy gonna pinch her ear and drag her outside just to eat a decent meal" I seriously said to Jhiyo Unnie

"I just recorded what you've said and send it to Sana WHAHAHAHAHA" Unnie said as she laugh

"I'm serious Unnie, if I ever---" I didn't finish what I'm gonna say when Momo and Sana Unnie entered the room catching their breaths

"Eh? Why are you running like your going to miss your flights or something? Why did you run?" I ask both of them and offer some water 

They immediately drink it, after they calm down their breaths they spoke

"We were just sent by your wife, who is about to shit her pants after hearing Jhiyo's message" Momo Unnie said

"Yeah, and we're here to say that she just finish eating her launch" Sana Unnie added

"Prof?" I demand to them

"Here, She's with us that Time. She was about to do her work again when she received a message from Jhiyo. After that she ordered us to deliver her message, because her phone was in her room and she also wants us to deliver your lunch" Momo Unnie said as she show me her phone of them three eating lunch and handed me a paper bag full of foods

"Ow.. Thank you Unnies" I smiled at them, it was a smile where my dimple is visible

Momo and Sana Unnie said their goodbye's as they still needs to get back to work, Jhiyo Unnie also say she needs to get to the set for the next shooting. She's our director btw, and Me and my crew are just eating lunch right now. Momo Unnie brought a lot of food, I can't eat it at once so I ask my team to join me for lunch. I felt my phone vibrated, indicating that someone message me, I look at my phone and smiled 


From: Wifey <3

Hello sweetheart! I hope Sana and Momo delivered my message, as I promised I am not skipping any of my meals. Your scary when you're serious :'> tho I don't love you less hehehehe :* hope you also had your lunch! I love youu <3

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