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No One's POV

We live in a word where there's always a hierarchy, in school, jobs, and life. Having such power holds privileges on being on top. There are ten known influential family all over the world, that influences media, politics and business. So here's the ranking:

The Yoo's being the 10th in line, running most of the well known restaurants and hotels around the globe.

Then the Kim's being 9th for their creativity in arts, music and museums.

Followed by the Park's placing 8th, who owns numerous awarding airlines in different countries.

While the Trio from Japan starting from the Minatozaki's placing 7th in line for their popular perfumes and cosmetics.

The Hirai's ranking 6th, as they are famous in the entertainment industry from acting to modeling.

While the Im's is placed as 5th, as they are recognized by their influence in the media from news to sport headlines.

The Myoui's being 4th, for their prominent clothing line around the world.

Then the Chou's labeling as the 3rd, for their influence in Law and having various Law Firms.

Next is the Lee's placing 2nd, owning several construction companies.

Last and placing on top are the Son's, as they rule the business industry from stock markets to oil companies.

While they are on top, most of these families are tied together. Being close with one another, even if they are labeled as rivals in terms of power. Behind that, they're heir's were mostly was smitten with each other too and most of them are close with each other.

















Well except for one.


Mina's POV

Me and the girls are currently in Starbucks, just having a relaxing time not until I saw the most infuriating face today at the counter. While they're chatting beside me I stared at someone.

"Mina are you okay?" Momo ask

"What are you even staring at" Sana ask while following my gaze

"Oww.. You ain't slick as I thought Minari" She added with a smirk

"Shut it. Also, It's not what you think, that person" I pointed at someone "We kept encountering with one another" I said to them

"Talk about destiny then" Nayeon teases

"She's annoying if you ask me and I don't want to see her face!" I angrily said

"Chill girl.. so what did she do to make you hate her face?" Jhiyo ask

"Well she.." I started to tell them

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