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3rd Person POV

Myoui Mina and Chaeyoung have been married for a some time now. The two are childhood best friends, until they fell in love with each other. After college they pursue both of their careers, Mina being the new CEO of their company while Chaeyoung focused in making music. Until they got married and tried to have a family. Finally, they where given a chance, Chaeyoung decided that she will carry the baby and Mina just let her wife and supported here. A month had past, Chaeyoung's cravings continued from having weird request to her wife. Mina has been immune to her wife's cravings and always try her best to give her craving such as...

"Babyyyy" Chaeyoung shouted in their room as Mina is in her office

"Yes baby?" Mina replied as she enter their room

She then sat on the end of their bed as she waits for her wife to speak again

"I want something.. but I don't know what it is" Chae said as she pouted

"Hmm.. sweets?" Mina ask

"No" the latter repy

"Sour?" She ask again

"Nope" Chae replied

"Anything?" Mina added

"Hm.. OW! I want strawberries.." Chaeyoung said

"Whoo.. I thought its another weird food again" Mina thought

"We already run of it, but don't worry I know--" She didn't finish what she was going to say when Chaeyoung but it

"From Baguio" she finish and smiled at her wife

"From Baguio?" Mina said as she look at the clock it was already midnight

"Yeah.. I want it from there" she reply

"Oh.. uhm y-yeah let me just get my keys" Mina said lost of words

"Ow! I want Lisa and Seulgi-Unnie to pick them!" she said enthusiastically

"But they might be sleeping already baby.." Mina softly said

Her wife then look down hearing what she said. Mina immediately utter

"I can message them hehehe don't worry, I'll be back with your strawberries" She said and call the two


UNDERbots Transform

BabyCub's: @LaLisaSofa @SeulgiBaeBear GAYS I NEED YOUR HELP

LaLisaSofa: Please spare me :'>

BabyCub's: is @SeulgiBaeBear with you too?

LaLisaSofa: yeah, just checking some papers

BabyCub's: good. I need you two to come with me Chaeng's craving strawberries

SeulgiBaeBear: wow? So far this is the easiest

LaLisaSofa: yeah, unlike last time when she suddenly want a croissant, this bijj suddently went to paris

BabyCub's: she wants it from Baguio :'> and she wants you two to pick it

SeulgiBaeBear: Hahahaha..

LaLisaSofa: I'll just tell this to my wife :'>

BabyCub's: Thanks! I'll pick you up in 20 :'>

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