My Wife

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Long Chapter ahead.. 

Mina' POV

I'm currently at the Son's Household, since the debt is long overdue and this fucker can't even pay his debt he owned me but keeps asking for more. Men, they have all the audacity but when they're confronted they suddenly chicken out, pathetic. Here I am, seated across a crying man begging for his life. He should already know the consequences before making a deal with a devil they say.

"p-Please! Just give me more time! I promise to pay double no– Triple the amount of money!" Mr. Son begged.

"You know your voice is getting into my nerves lately, since I've already heard that bullshit every damn time. Why can't you Men have the balls you had when you came to me? Now that I'm here to collect your debt you turn into a wimpy kid?" I said to him.

"I-I don't have the money yet! I-if you give me more tim–" he was cut off when he was punched.

"I gave you enough time already, but what did you do? Make the Casinos your second home, you thought I couldn't know? I think you mistook my kindness to its limits Mr. Son" I simply said to him.

I saw how his eyes trembled, he was punched in the face and in the guts.

"I-I'll sell this house! Promise I'll return y-your money!" he replied while coughing blood.

"This house isn't enough to pay your debt, you know that Mr. Son? Well if–" I was cut off when we heard a voice.

"Dad, I'm homee! I'm sorry if I'm late–" a lady walked in the scene.

She looks... innocent, cheerful, and... cute? Wtf Mina?!

"W-who are you?! Dad, who are they and what are they doing in the house?" She screams.

I mentioned my crew to silence the lady, she put up a fight but she was taken care off.

"I guess my time here is finished. I expect the money later Mr. Son.. and If you're planning any tricks, I wouldn't guarantee your safety." I simply said and stood up, but he said something that caught my attention.

"W-wait! W-what if you could take my daughter? I offer my daughter to somehow pay my debt! Y-you could do anything.. make her a–worker or your slave! J-just please spare my life!" He immediately said.

I look at his daughter who was frozen in her spot, maybe shocked at the revelation that her Father can willingly offer her to somebody. This made my blood boil even more, I quickly went to him and punched him myself.

"Yourself shouldn't be even called a Father, useless Men like you should rot in hell" I said to him.

"I don't have anything to offer! Please j-just take her instead!" He once insisted.

I saw the lady was struggling to get away from my crew, I had a glimpse of her eyes. She was crying, maybe thinking how her life would turn after this. I look at her Father, this fucking useless prick is no one to me but I thought about the offer. The company and the organization were also urging me to marry already, they think I should have someone for me to loosen up a bit. I look at the lady, she looks... beautiful. I look back to her father again.

"Are you sure about your decision? We are not dealing with money or things here Mr. Son, we are talking about YOUR daughter. So, if–" I was again cut off by him.

"I'm sure! S-she's nothing to me anyway! All she does is eat, sleep and study!" He insisted.

I think that's enough. I signed my crew to escort the lady to my Car, she was struggling but they sedated her and carried her. I look straight to Mr. Son's eyes.

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