Dhawal agreed but made Hetal Bhabi promise that if things got bad, she would call, and he would  pick her up.

Shortly, everyone left, leaving Amba crying, Amrish throwing things, and Hetal taking care of Golu in his room.

Five months have passed, and Natasha hasn't been located yet.   Yet, the family was thriving.  Dhawal's construction business was thriving,  Pranali had started her internship, and with the help of Dolly, she also took care of the house while the brothers worked.  Dhawal and Chirag enjoyed working together, but Bhavin wanted to be independent for a little bit before deciding.   Things were going well for the younger Makwana's.  But the same was not said the Amrish. His business was not going well.  Complaints of cheating were coming up.   He was regreting his actions but was too proud to apologize.

Then a day came by, where Dhawal got a video call from his friend, Armaan Podder.  Inviting him to his anniversary party, while he was on the phone with him, Dhawal noticed Natasha in the background.    He found her!   Yet he was angry with Armaan.  His friend hid his wife from him.  He quickly hung up the video call and called him on the phone.

"Why did you hang up?"  asked Armaan

"Am I on speaker?" asked Dhawal

"No."  stated Armaan

"How dare you hid my wife from me! I've been looking for her for the past 5 months.  Do you know how worried I was about her."  yelled Dhawal

"Your wife.  I don't know your wife, "  responded Armaan

"My wife!  Natasha.  She was in the background.  I just saw her.  I finally got a glimpse of her on your video call." said Dhawal as he rushed into his room to pack a small bag.

"That's my wife's friend from Mourssie.  She had a stalker, who I was hiding her from..Shit. Abhira!"  Dhawal smiled at Armaan's realization.

"Don't let her know.  I will be there tonight."  said Dhawal

"Will do.  Will keep them busy.  Call me when you arrive."  said Armaan.

"Thank you, my friend.  You have saved my life."  Dhawal thanked his friend.

Dhawal quickly called Chirag and explained the situation.   Then he left to Udaipur, where Armaan was living with his family.

He made sure to bring a file with him as insurance, just in case she refused to come.  Dhawal arrived at Armaan's home.   He gave a quick call to Armaan and found out that Natasha and Abhira were at the guest house, where Natasha had been staying for the last 5 months.   Armaan and Dhawal made their way to the guest house.    When they came into the house, they could hear the girls talking.    Dhawal smiled when he realized that they were talking about their husbands.  

"Natasha, you never mentioned your husband.   Is he as annoying as Armaan?  Don't do this. don't do that.  Apologize to Daadi sa.  Don't argue. etc.."  asked Abhira

"Abhira, I thought you loved Armaan Jiju."  

"I do.  Don't know why.   Think I got hit in the head too many times as a kid.  Why else would I fall in love with him.  Don't tell him.  But I love him a lot.  Now tell me about your husband, "  said Abhira

"Well, Dhawal.   He's an all-rounder.  I called him a spoil brat when I first met him.   He can go any lengths for his loved ones.   He's always joking, smiling.  He has a good heart.  He protected me from his brother multiple times.  Unless he's mad, then he's scary.    We fight, and we will make up.    He ended up in jail one time.  The police officer wouldn't  believe me that he was my husband.  He was still spitting out jokes.  I love him too.  But his mother and brother would never let us be together, so I left.   His mother wanted someone else for his bride.  How could I fight with his family.  I had already lost mine, I couldn't let him lose his."  cried Natasha.  As she had started crying in Abhira's arms.  Slowly, Dhawal transfered Natasha into his arms.  He finally felt peace after  months.  He nodded to Armaan, who had Abhira trapped in his arms, with her mouth covered.  He slowly dragged her out of the Guest House, as he needed to talk to her about her lies about where Natasha was from.

Natasha felt something different and looked up and saw Dhawal's face.  He had no expression.    She pushed herself out of his arms, and when she turned to run, he grabbed her again.  "Running away again!"  he yelled.    

 Natasha was scared now.  He was angry.  

"Sorry.  You must be mistaken."  yelled Natasha as she wiped her tears.

"Really Natasha," he questioned her

"Well, that's your mistake.  I'm not Natasha.  I'm Saanchi."  said Natasha.

"Saanchi Dev Pandya,"  said Dhawal, surprising Natasha with her birth name.

"What?"  Natasha was confused.

"I know your history.  You see, after you left, I hired a private investigator.   I know your history.  You see, I know about the kidnapping and the earthquake.  There's a lot of information to be filled in, but we can do that later."

"Dhawal, how could you?  A private investigator.  Have you not heard of privacy.?"

"I don't regret it at all.  I was able to find out things about my wife.  I would do it again and again."

"What! Sorry."  yelled out Natasha

" You ran away from me.  You disappeared on me, I was trying to make things better for us, and you disappeared.  You're my wife!  I love you, damn it!"  shaking her.

"I'm sorry.  I just wanted to make things better for you.  You were coming home late, and I thought I was to blame.  Ma and Amrish Bhai had said that you had enough.  You didn't want to be married to me anymore."  Natasha cried in his arms.

"I will marry you as many times as needed.  If that is what it takes for it to sink in.  I am married to you.   And only you and nobody else.  You are stuck with me.   I know we have a lot to talk about, but I think Armaan and Bhabi may be getting anxious.

"How did you find me?" asked Natasha

"I saw you in the background when I was talking to Armaan on a video call."  stated Dhawal."Now, this is what is going to happen.  We will stay here for Armaan and Bhabi's Anniversary Party.  And then the next day, we will go back to Somnath,  and we will be living at our home." stated a firm Dhawal

"No.  You go back.  I am staying here." said a stubborn Natasha

"I wasn't going to do this.  But damn it, Natasha, why are you being so stubborn."  yelled Dhawal

"Dhawal, it has nothing to do with being stubborn.  I don't want to live with Amrish Bhai and Ma.   I am not going to make you choose.   I am ok living here in Udaipur." said Natasha

"Well, lucky for you, we don't live with Amrish Bhai and Ma.  They live in Makwana Mansion.  We live in Makwana Niwas.   We moved out the day after you left.  If you had waited a day, we could have left together, but you got impatient. We left the day after.   So Bhavin, Pranali Bhabi, along with Chirag and Dolly Bhabi." 

"What?  How?  Why?"  asked Natasha

"Well, when I know you thought I was a spoiled brat when we met.  But I did some investing when I was younger.  And I was able to sell some shares.  Well, I made a great profit.  I was able to buy a construction company,  and a house."  said Dhawal

"I'm confused." said Natasha

"Ma lives with Amrish Bhai and Hetal Bhabi.    The rest of us live separately.   Pranali is doing her internship.  Bhavin Bhai is working independently.   Chirag and I work together at the construction company.  You can finish your MBA once we get home."  Dhawal stated surprising Natasha.

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