𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲, 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗲.

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After learning that Jason and Gar had snuck out to go find Dr.Light themselves which caused Jason to get taken, Gar had come back to the tower to tell them what had happened in hopes they could get him back with mimun punishment.

"What happened to Jason?" Dick asked the boy

"We figured out that Dr. Light was in the train tunnels and Jason wanted to prove to you that he wasn't a reject besides we were gonna come right back, Jason wanted to split up and then I heard him scream, and I ran, but they were already gone," Gar explained to the group

"Why did you go out there in the first place? On your own, with no weapon, no backup," Dick questioned while he gave a look

"I'm sorry," Gar spoke in a soft tone

"We just need details but specifics," Aria explained to the boy

"Just write down everything you remember, I'm searching for his tracker right now," Dick

"Subject offline," Aria mumbled as she looked at the screen

"If Jason's still down there, all that concrete and stone, it would mask the GPS signal from the satellite," Gar explained some more

"Yes, it would," Dick agreed before typing

"Anything I can do to help?" Aria asked her best friend

"We could use your X-ray vision once we find him," Dick spoke making her nod

"Why did they go after Dr. Light by themselves in the first place?" Donna asked as the others walked in

"I don't know, he's been complaining about being left out lately," Dick admitted with guilt

"Oh, don't blame yourself. shit-stirrer did this on his own," Hank seethed as he walked up

"There must be 20 or 30 miles of tunnel down there," Dawn pointed out

"Maybe more," Donna added in agreement

"We can't cover all this ground in one night," Hank corrected the team

"Which is why I've redirected the satellites to the area to sweep for Jason's tracker and hopefully we can pinpoint his exact location from there and Gar and Rachel will monitor it from here," Dick explained before Aria nodded

"And once we find him, I can use my X-ray vision to see if I can see him," Aria added in support

"Boy-fucking-wonder strikes again," Hank grumbled in anger

"You just don't have a positive bone in your body, do you?" Aria remarked to the man

"Not all of us can be the paragon of Hope, Aria," Hank remarked in return

They all went down the sewers where they found where Jason was attacked and dragged away, it wasn't much but it gave them enough time to come up with a new game plan. Deathstroke demands that he'd trade Rose for Jason which causes a bigger fuse between the group.

"You should have thrown that girl out the minute you knew she was Deathstroke's daughter," Hank scolded the hero

"Wait a minute, pirate girl is this guy's daughter?" Kory asked in confusion

"Yeah, and he wants her back," Hank replied as Dick scoffed

"Which we can't do," Dick stated in return

"Why not? It's not a crazy idea!" Hank shouted in anger

"You're not serious," Aria scolded while looking at him

"I'm serious about ending this with Deathstroke once and for all and it might not be pretty but neither is watching Jason get killed by that lunatic," Hank admitted in anger

"This isn't Rose's fault, we all know it and the only reason we're all still alive right now is because she's here," Dawn stated to the man

"Why don't we find this guy and neutralize him?" Kory questioned looking between them

"It's not that easy, we barely survived his last attack," Donna reminded her friends

"Look, Jason is hurt, alone, scared and we all know what that feels like," Aria spoke trying to comfort

"Bottom line is, he's one of us and she's not so handing her over if it saves his life, I don't know about you but I can sleep a little better at night knowing I did the right thing!" Hank rambled on

"Are you good with this, Grayson? Dick?" Kory asked looking at him

"She's just a kid," Dawn reminded them

The team ended up having to stop Rose from leaving seeing how she overheard them, they had come up with a plan where Gar, Rachel, and Aria would stay at the tower and montier things, and Aria could fly up when they needed help. They brought back a harmed man who was wearing the House of El code and a traumatized Jason.


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