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Kurai's POV

All my life, I have lived in his shadow. It was always Kazuha this or Kazuha that! He had everything and left me with nothing. Girls fawned over him and his fucking haikus while they rolled their eyes and groaned at the mere mention of my name. What was so special about him anyway!?

'Kurai!' I heard Mei's annoying voice call as she neared my study. 'You're still up?'

Mura quickly disappeared as she opened the shoji.

'Urgh, leave me alone, Mei.' I said tiredly

'Nah, I don't feel like leaving you alone, Kurai.' she said with a small smile as she sat right opposite to me.

'What do you want?'

'Can't a sister just check on her little brother?' she asked me with a kind smile.

Out of all the people in my life...Mei was the only one who was genuinely nice to me. I didn't like snapping at her so much, but it was a sign of strength. I sighed as I heard her previous words of affirmation.

"It's alright, Kurai! I bet you'll get him next time!" or "So what if they don't believe in you! I believe in you, and I know you'll do great things in the future."

'I-I suppose you can sit here as long as you don't bother me.' I said, trying to look stoic

She chuckled in response. I...I didn't know what I'd do to Mei when I destroyed Inazuma. Will I get her killed, too? Her eyes then landed on the Muramasa scroll. Before I could get it, she reached for it. Her eyebrows knitted together.

'Kurai, what is this? "The Cursed Blade That'll Kill You Foe."' she demanded

'It's nothing!' I snapped back, swiping it from her hand. 'Stop going through my stuff!'

'Kurai, you have to let go of your bitterness.' she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. '(Y/n) is Kazuha's wife now, and there are plenty of women out there who would love to be  your significant other.'

'Yeah, right.' I scoffed. 'You have Haruhiro, anyway.'

'Just the way I have Hiro, you will find someone too.'

'You don't know that.' I yelled


'Mei, he always gets what I want!' I finally yelled

'Kurai...' she said in concern. 'You have to let go of your anger towards Kazuha. Have you ever thought of being friends?'

'Being friends with him?' I scoffed 'I'd rather die.'

'Kurai!' she scolded. 'Don't say such things!'

Mei's POV

They called him the cursed child. The evil one. The monster of Inazuma, but they were wrong...I think. Kurai's just a kid, and he's my little brother. It hurts me when I see him do all those horrible things, but a part of me tells me it's all just the curse. I sighed as I remembered the day that caused Kurai to act out in a terrible way.


Kurai's POV

Everyone had been affirming Kazuha as usual today. It made my blood boil, and I just...I just wanted him to fail for once, but he never did. No matter how hard I tried to excel, I mastered it before me. Today, however, our master drew the line. It was the first time (Y/n) was there to see my disgrace.

'Master Nakamura, your pupil is so good.' Master Hayashi said, 'You have indeed trained many great warriors. Who are your current students?'

I stood proud. People will know about me for sure now!

Arranged (Kazuha x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now