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Hoshiko's POV

I felt (Y/n) lift her head as Kazuha neared us. I slowly let go of her and melted into the shadows. If only I could see. I smiled a bit. I felt raindrops start to fall until the rainfall became heavy.

'Mama Hoshiko! Mama Hoshiko!' I heard Ryō call out to me, 'There you are. I was worried about you!'

I could hear him huffing and trying to catch his breath. I'd grown fond of Ryō over time. He'd even started calling me "Mama Hoshiko."

'I just went to see an old friend...and ran into someone special.' I said with a small smile

'An old friend?' he asked in confusion.

'Never mind that Ryō. I'm tired.' I said silently, 'Let's go home.'

'Of course!'

Thank you, Keji. I looked up to the sky. Thank you for sending my daughter my way. I was originally supposed to just. go to Kenji's grave, but I never expected to bump into (Y/n) on my way back.

(Y/n)'s POV

Kazuha ran to me. His eyes looked so relieved when he saw me. He had a small smile as he approached me.

'(N/n)! Oh, thank the archons, you're ok.' he said

'K-Kazuha...what are you doing here? A-and where did Omma go?'

He looked at me, confused.


'N-Nevermind that...why are you here, though?'

'I...I just couldn't fall asleep after our conversation and wanted to talk and clear up things. I was on my way to your room, but when I saw your shoji open with the candle blown out, I assumed you went for a walk. At least I got that right, heh.' he said with a shy chuckle and smile. 'So I decided to search for you around the estate.'


'Yup, and when I saw that you were nowhere in the estate, I started to get worried and ran out to search for you. I know you are completely capable of defending yourself against the Nobushi; I just...I just wanted to know you were ok.' he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

'O-Oh, I'm sorry! I must've weirded you out. Urgh, I'm an idiot! I'm so s-' I began before he interrupted me with a kiss.

My eyes widened with surprise at first before I melted into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. We broke the kiss, and he looked at me with an endearing expression.

'Come driving rain or winds that churn; I shall return, by blade alone, armed, if barefoot, to you (N/n)...you're my home.' he said, cupping my cheek.

I felt my cheeks heat up, and he chuckled at my expression.

'If you had let me finish talking, I would have told you...I love you.'

"If he truly loves you, he will come back to you, my dear."

I could hear Omma's words echo in my ears. A man who loved me? It was possible? H-He...loved me too.

Muramasa's POV

Urgh lord, why did I choose this idiot? I went to spy on (Y/n) and torment her again, but she was surrounded by this pure energy! It was that fucking jackass she was married to! Kaedehara Kazuha, you are making my job very hard right now! I stared in disgust and annoyance as they kissed each other.

'WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO MUCH TIME YOU DIMWIT!' I yelled at Kurai, who was buried in scrolls

'I have a life and responsibilities, Mura! I don't have time right now!' he responded, waving me off.

My eyes glowed red with anger. How dare this mere mortal speak to me this way!? Did he not know the power I held? Did he not know how many people I have turned insane?


'I DON'T CARE JACKASS!' he yelled back.

I grabbed his face with my claws, grazing his cheeks.

'Do you want to die, Kurai? Before getting (Y/n) to yourself.' I asked, tilting my head to the side

'What are you talking about?' he asked, his eyes widening

'You're too late, Kurai.' I said with a sadistic smirk as I squeezed harder, drawing blood. 'Kazuha and (Y/n) love each other.'

'N-no, you're lying!' he yelled back with his voice wavering.

'Boy, I saw them confess to each other. I saw them kissing...extremely passionately.' I said, chuckling at his horrified expression. 'Who knows, they might fuck soon.'

'NO! I WON'T ALLOW IT!' he screamed back.

'Then hurry up and find my physical form.' I responded, 'Kill Kazuha! Then, kill all those who mocked and belittled you. Tomodachi, Ayato, Haruhiro all of them!'

He grabbed at his hair and had tears in his eyes. His breathing was uneven and manic as he collapsed to the ground. His black hair was unruly, and many strands of hair escaped the restrains of his ponytail.

'I-I'm going to kill him! I'm going to butcher his body. Rip him apart. H-He can't take what's mine! I will destroy him!' he muttered, with insanity overtaking him. 'I want his blood on my hands, Mura! I want to watch it drip to the ground.'

'Yes, yes, use this anger and find my physical form, Kurai. Take it and kill him.' I said, smiling and bending down 

He gripped his study's table, and his grip cracked the sturdy wood.

'I will destroy him, and no one will stop me!' he yelled. 'I will find your body and burn the Kamisato and Kaedehara clans to the ground.

'Good...' I said, whispering in his ears. 'Destroy them all.'

This will be my revenge as well. The clans that sealed me away and took my power away from me will suffer, and I will finally be able to destroy all of Inazuma! I will take over Kurai's body and destroy them all; yes, the cursed child will eliminate all!

'Oh, I'll do much, much worse.' he said, laughing maniacally.

Kurai's POV

You can't win again this time, Kaedehara Kazuha! You took everything from me! How dare you be happy while I suffer! You always had it your way. I felt my body shake as the tears dripped down my cheeks. You took all the praise and power. You took the fame! You were our master's favorite, and no matter how much I tried, I always fell short. (Y/n) was the one thing that could have been mine, but you stole her from me! I won't let this happen again.

'You dared to be happy, huh Kaedehara? Well, enjoy it while it lasts...trust me, this will be the last time you will ever smile.'

I will not lose again. Not this time. This time you will be the one who disgraced and destroyed

Arranged (Kazuha x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now