Chapter 18: Disappear

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"Ora and Romeo go turn off the alarm. Sakura, Auli, Rory go get as many people out as possible. Don, your with me, we have to find the bomb,". Everyone nodded and went their separate ways.

Ora's POV:

I ran through the halls, I pushed past the people running out. Romeo opened the breaker box, we started ripping out wires. The light flickered and then blew. We stood in the dark hall, Romeo closed the breaker box. Romeo and I walked out of the hospital. We stood behind the police barrier, it was about 20 feet from the hospital.

Sakura's POV:

I walked the halls, opening the doors, and helping patients out. Auli helped Indigo out of his room. I found one elderly man, he sat in his bed. "I'm here to help sir,". The old man helped him into his wheelchair. He unlocked it and I rolled him out of the hospital. Police cars started pulling up, cops got out of their cars. The bomb squad got there, and they started walking towards the hospital. I turned to Romeo and Ora. "Where are Marley and Donahue," I asked. "I thought they were with you,". I looked back at the hospital, and as the bomb squad walked closer the building exploded. I fell to the ground, I sat up looking at the damage. Auli covered her mouth as we watched the building burn. "Get the firefighter here now," Captain Morgan shouted. "Yes sir," a cop shouted.

Donahue's POV:

Marley and I ran down the hall of the hospital, checking every room. "If I was a bomber where would I plant my bomb," she asked. "In a small space, a place no one would think to look, like a closet," I said. "Good idea," she said as I opened another door. We kept running, we stopped in front of a storage closet and opened the door. A bomb sat on the floor, wires were coming from every direction. I crouched down looking at all the different parts and materials. I saw flashing red numbers and stood up. I backed up and Marley did the same. "That bomb only has 20 seconds on it," I said. "We need to get out now," Marley said as she grabbed my hand. She pulled me through the halls, and the sound of the beeping grew louder as we got closer and closer to the door.

The bomb went off, everything slowed down as the impact from the explosion pushed us through the glass of the door. I wrapped my body around Marley as we hit the ground. The fire from the explosion scrooched my back, I could feel it burning the skin from my bones. We hit the ground, and small fragments of glass delved into my skin. The smell of smoke and fire burned my nose and throat. I coughed as I lifted my head. I looked over and saw Marley lying on the ground. "Marley," I shouted as I placed my hand on the ground. I grabbed my hand, it tingled as it touched the ground. I started crawling with my other hand, as I went to grab her electricity shot through my body. My head dropped to the ground, and my vision blurred. I watched Marley's body be dragged away with blurry eyes.

Three Days Later:

Marley's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly, and the blinding white light above me flashed in my eyes. I groaned as I sat up grabbing my head in pain. I looked down and noticed I was completely naked. I quickly grabbed the white sheet that covered me, pulling it over my chest. I jumped as I looked over and saw Don sitting shirtless on the edge of his bed facing the opposite direction. I gasped a little at his charred back, there was a scar on his shoulder blade from a bullet maybe. "Don," I said softly. "I didn't look, you can go ahead and get dressed. Take as long as you need," he said without turning around. I stood up, my feet touched the cold floor below me. I quickly got dressed and laid the white sheet on the bed.

 I walked over to Don and placed my hand on his back. He winced at my touch and turned slightly to face me. "How are you feeling," he asked. "My head hurts but I'm fine," I said as I pulled my hand away. "Do you have any memory of what happened to you," he asked. "No," I said.

What kind of question was that, did something happen to me while I was unconscious?

"Marley, the people that took us took some of your blood. You were screaming and trying to fight back but they were too strong,". Donahue stood up, grabbed his shirt, and put it on. "Where are we," I asked. He turned to me as he pulled down his shirt. "I have no idea, I didn't want to leave you in here by yourself,". "Now, I'm awake, let's go investigate,". Don pulled back the flap to the tent, we both walked out, and our bare feet stood in the dry dirt. Trucks and tents were everywhere, and men in camouflage outfits walked around. "We're in the wasteland," I said. "But why and why only us," Don asked.

Indigo's POV:

"What do you mean you don't know where they are," I shouted. "Indigo calm down," Auli said as she grabbed my shoulder. "We're doing our best," Captain Morgan said. "Two members of my team are missing, they could be dead,". Moon walked into the station and hung up his phone. "We have checked the entire building, there are no bodies. It's like they just disappeared," Moon said. "Keep searching, they have to be out there somewhere," Captain Morgan said. "Yes sir," Moon said as he walked out of the station. "How could they just disappear into thin air,". 

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