Chapter 9: Reasoning

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Donahue's POV:

I walked down the street finishing my food. I always enjoy Marley's face when she comes back to her apartment. I threw my food into a trashcan. I saw that police officer from the station, the one that Marley was talking to when I came and picked her up from the station. I kept walking, I didn't need a reason to be put back in prison.

 The air was cool, I was still getting used to fresh air and human contact. Human contact is what has helped me the past few days. Marley especially has helped me, it feels good to have someone to argue with. Someone opposite of me, but someone truthful with their words. All my life people have been lying to me about the tiniest things. To have someone that tells the truth. Even if she doesn't like me, I still appreciate her honesty. 

I stopped in front of the beat-up motel I had been staying at for the past few days. I lay on the bench, my face on the cold wood. The wind blew, sending a chill down my spine. I had to suck it up, suffer through the pain. That was the one and only way I could make it in the outside world.

The Next Day-

I wandered the streets with my hands in my pockets. There was nothing to do, if I wasn't on a mission with the team. I am alone most days as I have been for the past 7 years. People looked at me, talking amongst themselves as they did. They're words didn't bother me, they're words didn't get in my head.


I grabbed my phone, it buzzed in my hands.

Cop: Hey, just seeing how you're doing?

Me: I'm fine, no need to check-in. I can take care of myself

... ... ...

Cop: Very well then

I placed my phone back in my pocket. Ever since the day I met Marley, she has always had this shell over her. Protecting herself from any and everything that may be thrown at her. She obviously has a strained relationship with her family, based on the letter I saw in her apartment.

I closed the door to Marley's apartment. I walked around, stepping on a piece of paper. I bent down picking up the piece of paper.

She wants nothing to do with them, but the same can't be said for me. I long for my family, to have them support me and love me like they used to but those days are over. They wouldn't want to see my face but that won't stop me from going to see them anyway. I continued walking down the street.

Marley's Pov:

"Uhhh, this desk job is so boring. I want action," I said as I laid back in my chair. A speck of white caught my eye, I sat up. "Donahue," I thought. He was the only one who had a bandaged hand in that exact spot from when he shot himself. I grabbed my jacket and stood up, running out of the door. I followed behind him, I was bored and there was nothing else for me to do.

 I stopped and hid behind a dumpster. I watched as Don stood in front of a house, he knocked and then waited patiently at the front door. A young lady, she looked to be about 16, opened the door. She hugged him tight and he hugged her back. This was the first time I had seen him smile, a genuine smile. Another older woman came to the door, she looked my age. "What are you doing here," she asked. "I came back to see you all, where is everyone," Don asked. "They've all left and if I could I would leave also. Luna needs me, Don,". "I'm back now, doesn't that count for something," he said. "No, you've been gone for over seven years and now you come back like it didn't even happen. I mourned you both for years, just leave," she said. "Giovanni please,". Don grabbed her hand and she slapped him. 

She pulled her hand away and turned away from him. "Don't hurt him, he's been through enough," Luna said. "You don't get to decide who's hurt Luna," she shouted. She sighed before looking up at Don. "Donahue please leave," she said as she walked into the house, slamming the door behind her. "I'm sorry," Don whispered as Luna hugged him tight and grabbed his hands. "She just needs time to process everything, take care of yourself, Don,". She walked into the house, Don dropped his head in defeat.

I stepped from behind the dumpster and began walking towards him. He needed me and my support, he needed to know that as his teammate I was here for him. I stopped short, turning my head towards the road. A gray van rode past and my eyes widened. I had seen that van before.


I sat at my desk, Moon dropped a file on my desk. "I could lose my job for giving you this,". "Thank you," I said as I flipped through the file. A photo of Gracie Clover was on the front page. I kept flipping until I got to a picture of the van. "That's the van that took Gracie 17 years ago," Moon said as he closed the file.

I ran across the street, avoiding any and every car. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, dialing Moon's number. "Marley, where are you? The captain wants to speak to you right now. " Moon listen to me, I found the van,". "What van, Marley, where are you," he asked. "I'm following the van that kidnapped Gracie Clover. Track my phone and get the squad down here now,". "Marley don't do anything that could jeopardize your life, we can't risk that,".

 I stood behind a brick wall, peering a little to get a good look. Two men walked from in front of the van into the warehouse. "I have to go, Moon,". I hung up the phone, placing it back in my pocket. I grabbed my gun and began walking towards the door. This was my time to make my name big, to solve the case everyone wanted to know the answer to. I, Marley Nova was going to solve Gracie Clover's case. 

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