Chapter 7: The Theif

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Romeo's Pov:

I walked through a shopping mall, observing the area. I took my hands out of my pockets, stealing some money off a table. I kept walking, grabbing any money I saw on tables. A little kid sat at a gumball machine, looking sad. I stopped walking and turned to her. "What's wrong, do you want to get a piece of gum," I asked. She nodded her head, I handed her 5 dollars. "This should be enough to get as many gumballs as you want," I said. I turned and saw the police behind me. I locked eyes with one of the officers and looked back at the kid. "Thank you sir," she said. "You're welcome, don't crunch on your candy," I said as I took off running.

 The officers were right on my tail, I turned a corner and bumped into a cop. "Romeo Noss, I'm glad I could finally meet you in person,". He pressed me against the wall and handcuffed me. "You are under arrest for theft, it feels good to finally have caught you after all these years,".

I sat in an interrogation room with my hands cuffed to the table. "Do even try to get out of here, I will tase you if I have to Mr.Noss,". "Romeo is fine Mr. cop. I would never try to get out of these handcuffs. I know you have policemen outside the door waiting for me," I said as I smiled. "Tell me this, how come you get away so easily every time, do you have help,". "Help, you're crazy. I would never work with a team. I do my dirt by myself and that's how I like it," I said as I leaned back. 

"I've been searching for you for over 5 years. You have been evading capture all these years, how,". "A magician never tells his secrets," I said as I lifted my hands. "How did you-," the cop started. I stood up and walked over to him. "You see officer, you were paying attention to my mouth instead of my hand. It's a common misconception among you cops," I said as I grabbed his head, hitting it into the metal table. I peeked through the small hole in the door. I knocked and the officer opened the door. I punched him in the face and dragged him into the room. I took his clothes and placed his hat on my head.

I walked out of the interrogation room and out of the police station. I walked down the street, a black car pulled up beside me. Two men got out and grabbed me, throwing me into the truck. "Let me go," I shouted. "Calm down Romeo," Indigo said. "Indigo, what are you doing here,". "I need your help, I need your special skill," he said. "You mean my ability to steal," I said as I sat up in the car. "Precisely, I have a team waiting to meet you,". "No way Indigo, you know I don't work with a team. I hated working with you alone,". "Romeo I'm paying good money, you don't want to help out a friend,". "Will Auli be there," I asked. "She's already at the building,". "You aren't awkward with her there,". "Trust me, you don't know how awkward it is until you meet the whole team,".

We stood in the hallway, the elevator dinged. A group of people walked out, I instantly recognized Auli in the back. I flashed the girl with wavy hair a smile, she rolled her eyes as Indigo talked. "While you all were gone, I gathered the last member of our team. Everyone, this is Romeo and he's a thief,". "You brought Romeo here," Auli shouted as she walked over to Indigo. "He wanted to be here," Indigo said. I watched as Auli and Indigo argued. I made my way over to the girl with wavy hair. "So, what's your name,". "Marley,". "Marley, I like it,". "Romeo," Indigo shouted and I turned to him.

 "I see you have already met Marley, Donahue, Ora, Rory, and Sakura,". "Nice sword," I said. "Thanks,". "You're that famous race car driver," I said. "Yeah," Rory said. "Could I get a picture," I asked. "Sure," Rory said as he took out his phone. "This is very awkward," Ora said. "You telling me, we have some of the most dangerous people in one room," Marley said. Indigo grabs a checkbook and gives each of them a check for 200 dollars. "This is you guy's first paycheck. The pay will increase when the jobs do, have a good night,". I watched as everyone left, I walked into Indigo's office. "It still looks the same as it did 7 years ago," I said. "Not all things change Romeo," Indigo said as he pulled up the Code Blue case on the big screen. "We're back here, the place we were all those years ago,". "Yeah, but this time, we're not alone," Indigo said.

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