Chapter 2: The Psychopath

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  People's screams filled my ears day in and day out if they were not filled by my own. The screams of people who have suffered and tormented. An endless pain that can not be healed by time alone but by freedom and resilience. I sat on the floor, my arms tied back by a straitjacket. I stared at my cell door, it was vague like everything around me. 

The cell door opened, a guard stood dressed in all black. He walked over to me and stood me up. "Where are we going today," I asked as we walked out of my cell. "You're being let go," he said as he held my arm. We walked down the halls, our footsteps echoed as we walked. We stopped in front of a black door, he grabbed a key from his belt. 

The keys jingled followed by the unlocking of a lock, my straitjacket loosened. I pulled the jacket off and threw it on the floor. The guard pushed a brown box into my arms. "Have a nice life," he said as he opened the black door. The guard shoved me out the door and closed it behind me. I looked down at my white shoes, they were covered in water. I smiled as I looked ahead. I always liked the feeling of water on my socks.

I walked to the nearest bench, I sat my box down and began rummaging through the trash. I pulled out a half eaten apple and a newspaper. I sat down on the bench and took a bite of the apple. I flipped through the newspaper. I stopped at work and scanned the paper. "Janitor," I said as I ripped the newspaper. 

I placed the part into my pocket and put the rest of the newspaper in my box. I threw the apple back in the trashcan and grabbed my box. I made my way down the street. People stared at me, I guess this was the first time they had seen a man from the psych ward walk around free. I looked around and saw a couple eating lunch, I smiled to myself as I walked over to them. "Excuse me Mr and Ms, could you tell me how to get to this address," I asked as I took out the ripped piece of paper. The couple exchanged looks before looking back at me. "Sir are you okay," the woman asked. "Me, yeah. I'm just fine, I actually just got out of the psych ward,". "Uh, okay," the man said as he looked back down at the ripped piece of paper. "You just go up the street and make a left. It should take you to the place you want to go,". "Thank you," I said as I balled up the paper. I walked down the street and took a left.

There was a huge building full of glass windows and guards. I walked up the front door but two guards stopped me. "Where do you think you're going," he asked. "I'm here for a job interview," I said. "You're not getting in," the other guard said as he shoved me away. "Let him in, he's with me," a man said from behind. We all turned, a man in a sharp suit, blue hair and brown eyes stood in front of me. I pushed past them and walked up the steps.

 The man with the sharp suit held the door open for me as we walked inside. We rode up the elevator to the second floor, and stepped off. "Donahue Zelle, the convict and madman. It is an honor to finally meet you after all these years. My company has been watching you for the last seven years,". He opened the door and extended his hand. "My name is Indigo Winters, I am glad to have you on my team," he said with a smile.

 I shook his hand as we walked into the room. "You can set your belongings down right there,". "What did you mean by team," I asked. "You will be joining my team to solve a cold case,". "I don't work well with people, especially cops," I said. "There are no cops on this team, I can assure you that. The pay is great and everything will be covered including living but it will take a few days before it is fully set up,". "Okay," I said as I took a seat on a sofa. "I will be back soon, I'm going to pick up another member of the team,". 

I nodded as he walked closer to the door. "Make yourself at home," he said as he closed the door. I heard a click come from the door, I stood up and placed my ear to the door to make sure that he was gone. Once the elevator dinged I began pulling on the door. I broke the knob off and threw it to the side. "Of course he locked me in here," I said as I kicked the door. It finally bursted open, I looked out before stepping out into the hallway. I started opening every door in the hall, looking inside, taking random things from all the rooms and placing them in my box.

The elevator dinged and I ran back into my room. I exhaled as I walked out of my room, a woman dressed in a cop uniform stood beside Indigo. The woman drew her gun, aiming it at me. I raised my hands higher in the air. "Don't shoot," Indigo said as I looked from him to her. "Why not he looks like a danger to us and himself," she said as she held her gun tighter. "You wouldn't shoot your teammate would you," I said as I smiled at her. I stepped closer, causing her to fix her stance. "My what," she shouted as she looked at Indigo.

"Hey, Indigo you lied. I told you I wouldn't work with a cop," I said as I dropped my hands. "You didn't tell me you would have me work with this lunatic," she said as she placed her gun in her holster. "I didn't tell you both because then you wouldn't accept my offer," he said. I walked back into my room and started packing up my box. "Where are you going,". "I'm leaving," I said as I walked past him. "You agreed you would stay,". "And you assured me there would be no cops but look there's one right there," I said sarcastically as I pointed at her. 

I pressed the button for the elevator but it wouldn't open. "You can't leave, you have already agreed,". "I do need this job, I guess I'll stay but I don't want you around me," I said as I walked back to my room. "Likewise," she said as she turned away. "I'm going back out, I'll be back. Don't kill each other while I'm gone,". "That's going to be really hard," I said as I stared at her. She glared back at me with her arms crossed.

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