Chapter 10: The Scene Of The Crime

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 "Everybody load up into your cars, we have a serious lead," Captain Morgan shouted. All the officers got into their cars and followed Nova's location. They all parked outside of a bakery, keeping their distance from the people. Moon stood in front of the cops. "We move quickly and quietly, take out anyone you see but don't shoot Marley,". "Yes sir,"' the officer shouted. "Let's go," he said as they walked to the side of the building, Two officers opened the doors to the warehouse, and they dispersed across the warehouse. "Nova, are you in here," Moon whispered. He and two cops walked into a room. "Drop the gun and put your hands up," Moon shouted.

Marley's Pov:

I walked around the warehouse, with my gun drawn. I held a flashlight with my other hand, looking around slowly. Something came out of nowhere, hitting me in the leg. I fell to the floor, and my gun and flashlight slid across the floor. A pair of hands grabbed me on my leg, pulling me back. I turned around, kicking the person in the face. I crawled across the floor, grabbing my gun. I turned back to the person but they were gone. I quickly grabbed my flashlight and stood up. I breathed heavily, looking around, and I continued walking. I saw a man walking around with boxes in his hands. "Hey stop right there," I shouted. 

The man dropped the box, I placed my gun in my holster and ran behind him. I stopped in a dark room, I shined my light, and the man stood in front of me. He held a gun to my chest, I looked down at his gun and then at him. "Don't even think about it," he said. He grabbed my gun and threw it to the floor. "Walk," he shouted. His voice made me jump, I started walking. He held his gun close, pressing it into my back. "Are you going to kill me," I asked. "If you ask another question then I will," he said. "Hey," a voice said.

The man and I turned around, his gun still in my back. "Don," I said as I saw his face. "Let her go," he said. He held my gun in his hand. Footsteps approached, and I heard a familiar voice. "Drop the gun and put your hands down," Moon said. "Moon, don't shoot, he has a gun to my back," I said. "Spread out," Moon said. The two officers walked on opposite sides of the room. "Let her go and she doesn't have to die," Don said. Donahue started walking closer to us. "You don't have to shoot her, shoot me instead," he said as he laid the gun on the floor. "What!," I said. "I'm more valuable than this rookie cop. You probably want me more than her,". "And why would I,". "Because I'm the one who killed your entire team that night. You made it alive but there is a scar across your face. I cut you with a mache, so yeah I am valuable,". "That was you, but you were so young,". "I've grown up and I'm stronger than I was then. Kill me and get arrested for my murder. It's a win-win for all of us,".

 I looked at Don and then at the guy behind me. He pushed me out of the way and pointed his gun at Don. Moon and the other two officers fired their guns, shooting the man dead.

I stood up, running over to Don. I pushed him, he looked concerned but his face softened. "What were you thinking Donahue," I said. "You should know by now that I don't think, I just act," he said as he walked away. "Sir we need you to answer a few questions," one of the cops said. I watched as Don walked away with the two cops. Moon walked over to me and handed me my gun. "So that's the crazy lunatic that you work with," he asked. "Yeah," I said. "Do you think he would have shot you," Moon asked. I looked down at my gun, the safety was still on. "No," I said as I placed my gun in my holster. 

We walked outside, Captain Morgan stood with his arms crossed. "I'm sorry Captain, I was bored so I left early," I said. "No need to apologize, Nova. If you hadn't left then you would have never found the van. Forensics still have to do more tests but there's a high percentage that this is the van that was used in Gracie's kidnapping. Nice work Nova, Moon, and your teammate,". "But sir, he interfered with a police raid," Moon said. "If he hadn't been there we could've lost one of our best rookies," Captain Morgan said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. 

Don walked over to us, he looked at Moon and then at me. "Indigo needs us at the building now," he said. "I have to go," I said as I walked away with Don. "We'll keep you updated on the progress," Captain Morgan said. I waved as I continued walking. We walked down the street, I held my arm as we walked. "Did you hurt yourself when you fell," he asked. I rolled up my sleeve, and a little blood stained my arm. "No, I'm fine,". "You should still let Ora wrap you up,". "Did you take out that first guy," I asked. "What first guy," he said as he smiled. I knew he did it, he didn't have to lie to me.

We stood in the elevator, it went up. It opened and we walked into Indigo's office. Everyone else stood around a table, Indigo stood in front of a huge screen. "I called you all here today to send you on your first mission. I need you to go to the scene of the crime. I'll send you all the coordinates,". "No need, I already know where it is," Auli said as she walked out of his office. "Take pictures and make sure nothing is tampered with," Indigo said. We all nodded and walked into the elevator. We got into a minivan that was parked in the garage. Romeo started the car, and Auli sat in the passenger seat. Sakura and Rory sat in the second row. Donahue, Ora, and I sat in the back. She bandaged my arm as we rode. "Thank you," I said. "How is your hand doing Don," she asked. "It gets better and better every day," he said as he looked away. "We're here," Auli said. Sakura opened the door, she stepped out and we all followed. 

We stood on a piece of land, the dirt was cracked due to the lack of water. There was no grass on-site, no trees, no buildings, no people, just ruins. I walked across the dusty ground, and the smell of gas filled my nose. It was faint but still strong, I bent down looking at pieces of glass sticking out of the dirt. "What happened here," I asked. "There was an airstrike, the Acacia government covered it up. Lots of people lost their lives here that day, Indigo's father was lucky he only lost his ability to walk but others were not so lucky," Rory said as he crumbled some dry dirt in his hands. "Why would the government try to cover this up," I asked. "Because they're cowards, only the people who survived and family members of those who died know what happened here. Everyone else was left in the dark, never to know the truth," Auli said as she walked past. 

"It will be 5 years in a few days," Sakura said. "I remember that night, my father was working late. I went to work with him that day but only I made it out that night, not him," Ora said. "So that's how we're all tied by family matters," Sakura asked. "Most likely, except you two," Romeo said as he turned to Don and me. "I am connected by family matters," Don said. I looked down at the dirt. "I still have no idea how I'm connected," I said. "It's probably best that way, you don't have to have the guilt of your parents' deaths on your mind every day," Auli said. "We should keep looking, maybe there's something here that we missed," Don said as he walked past me.

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