} Me

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I don't know what genius's idea it was to keep toilet paper on the high shelf at convince stores. Did they have something against dwarfs or what?

I circled around the whole store looking for toilet paper at a reachable height.

It was reasons like this I didn't like shopping and I wasn't home delivery rich either.

'but Amethyst, why don't you just ask for help?'

Like I said. I'm not a people person. I don't do, 'asking for help.' it's basically my kryptonite.

After aimlessly wondering about the store for the past forty minutes, I decided maybe it was time to go home and manage the remaining tissues I have before trying another store tomorrow.

I spun on my wheels, about to leave when I heard, "miss. Excuse me." My head turned to find a pack of six 2-ply tissues being stretched out to me. Who was handing me them? None other than my unexpected friendly new neighbor.


Wow, the universe loves playing games. I just keep bumping into this fella out of literally nowhere.

"Oh it's you" we said simultaneously. He gave me a weak smile as I took the pack from him. "They should make this place more sensitive to everyone. Not everyone can reach that high." He said, shoving his hands in his hoodies pocket, a pink hoodie with what looks like a Billie Eilish autograph in the top left corner. A fan huh?

He says it like he was some sort of giant. Goodness. He had to stand on his tipie toes to get the tissues. But I guess compared to me, he is kind of tall... In his own way.

He then proceeded to grab some toothpaste and put it in his little shopping basket. There were also some paint buckets, detergents, a lighter and whole lot of vegetables.

I looked back at his blueish green eyes, he didn't have any lashes. How odd. I've never met a person without any lashes at all. Even babies had tiny lashes.

"Vegan?" I said, he looked towards me and smiled. "No. Dietary restrictions." He answered honestly. Wonder what was wrong? Diabetes? Low blood pressure? Scurvy? The possibilities are endless.

I pretended to fix my scarf when the silence began to grow, finding an excuse to look away from those eyes.

Next thing I knew, I was moving. He was pushing me again. "you really don't need to do that." I said, this time firmer. Liam chuckled, his Adams apple bouncing with the vibration.

"I want to" he said, looking straight ahead like it was his job to push me around. I didn't burn hundreds of dollars on an automatic wheelchair for nothing.

He continued pushing me till we both got to the front desk. There was a bit of a line but it wasn't that long. I tried to start some sort of conversation between us. No hidden context, just awkward silence is uncomfortable.

Will this be pushing the limits of my social anxiety? Yes, very much. Will I probably regret it later? Of course. Is it better than uncomfortable silence? A hundred percent.

"So how are you liking the apartment so far?" I asked him, Liam was silent for a bit. It always took him a bit to answer a question or reply to things, a little odd observation I made. He was standing behind me so I couldn't make out if he was smiling or not.

Maybe I'm being pushy and he doesn't want to talk to me. Or perhaps he doesn't feel like saying anything. No that's not it, I'm definitely being an annoying pissant.

"It's nice. My room's got a pretty nice window view. And it's so high up, gives you a good glimpse of the city." His voice killed off my thoughts. Oh Amethyst! You're getting ahead of yourself again. All these dark thoughts won't do you any good at all!

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