"May we leave now, or is there more to do?" The boy king's voice was irritating to my ears.

Uhtred caught my eye, his face calm, "Lady?"

Saga spoke for me while fixing the saddle on her horse, "Where do we ride? To Winchester?"

"The King does," Finan grumbled, "we'll go onwards to Coccham."

"Then, we can leave," Saga nodded, hitching herself up onto her horse.

Sihtric squeezed my hand, moving it onto the bridle before he stepped away to his horse as well; his heart was plagued, jumping around as though he was angry and upset. His face remained calm, though.

Uhtred led his horse forward, and I half-heartedly urged Helios to follow him.

I was riding away from a battlefield that would forever shape my life. I was leaving my father, the noble and feared Jarl Brynjar in dirt on Saxon soil.

Jarl Brynjar deserved a Danish pyre, but the Kingling refused; he said it would rile his men to see the enemy respected. Uhtred could not sway him.

My father deserved glory on fresh wood, his sword proudly laid on him, wildflowers—

"Wait," I blurted, stopping Helios, already sliding off of him.

"Gyda?" Saga rushed off her horse, diving between Sihtric's and mine, her hand grabbing my shoulders as I stumbled down. "What is it? What is the matter?"

My heart pounded against my ribs, a strange kind of hysteria I had never felt coursing through my veins. "Wildflowers. There are no wildflowers in his grave. He loved wildflowers. My mother always gifted him wildflowers on his journeys. He would want wildflowers on his—" 

Saga shushed me gently, her hands smoothing down my hair and cupping my cheeks, "I will lay them down for him. I will place wildflowers in his grave."

I swallowed harshly, raising my hands to cover hers, "He liked the white ones most."

"I will find all the white ones," Saga mumbled, "every single one."

I moved closer to her, lowering my voice, "He does not deserve a Saxon burial."

Saga watched my face carefully, her eyebrows raising slightly.

I sniffed harshly, moving to wipe my face so they would not see my mouth move, "Burn him."

Saga stared at me, realisation dawning in her eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Uhtred called back.

I could sense the kingling's eyes on us, so I nodded curtly, stepping back from Saga.

She let me go, holding Helios's bridle so I could hold onto it easily and pull myself back up onto my horse. "Everything is fine," She pet Helios's head, her eyes casting over my face again, "I will stay here a little longer. The Lady is concerned about the condition of her father's burial site, and she wishes for me to observe it."

The boy king huffed but said nothing while Saga slunk back, letting his horse pass her and join Uhtred's side.

"You will watch her until I catch up with you," Saga looked to Finan and then, Sihtric.

I almost smiled at the warning tone of her voice, "I think I will manage to stay on my horse without assistance."

Saga hummed non-committally, "I'm sure."

"Come on," Finan sighed, moving his horse forward again, "mustn't keep the king waiting."

"Or what? He's cry and run to his mother?" Saga challenged, tying her horse to a nearby tree.

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