His eyes widen, " What?"

" Yea.." I snap. " We've grown up together so instead of assuming.. maybe look further into it."

" But Barlowe said-"

" That's your mistake." Sawyer chimes in, " Anyone with a brain knows that damned kid is near insane."

" Anything else you want to add, or are you going to take up how I'm being treated with Dain himself?" I ask, " I'm more then willing to tell him you have concerns."

He stammers, " No..I'm"

I roll my eyes, " Just shut the hell up."

" Are you all ready to watch?" Sawyer asks. " This is only a one time thing."

My glare tears away from Tynan and I nod, he looks everyone else over who nod, " Good. Watch and learn."

There was no mistep as he goes over the spinning logs, there were pillars with so many cracks and ridges that Brennan said were supposed to be like that, so you'd grab one and it could fall, you need to have good grip and footing.

This was the time I wished I had those gloves Xaden threw over the edge on the mountain, I'm still salty at that.

Then he goes to the jutting rotating logs the made distanced steps spinning every which way, he climbs those with ease as well, then there's a chimey like formation, you couldn't see what he did there but it took 30 seconds for him to ascend to the top where a ramp like structure was.

He took a couple steps back and bolted upwards..running up it to grip onto the side pulling himself the rest of the way up.

" So.. who's going first?" Ridoc asks having a little humor in his voice. Cresta volenteers and off she went with a preppiness in her step, she moved gracefully, once she got half way the next one could start. " If she can do it, I'll go next." Tynan declares.

I set my lips in a tight line as I watch him jog to the first log, he looked so leisurely before the log switched directions and the nearly tripped almost falling over. He catches himself muttering as h moves to the pillars.

He's a bulkier guy, that obviously never climbed much, I see he struggles, grabbing each deep rivot he could reach. " He's going to fall.." Hetta says as she moves foot to foot anxiously. I nod watching him.

I could hear him grunting from here, his body swinging slowly seeming to go no where. I cross my arms now he's not so tough. He grabs a loose ridge and he goes tumbling, he grabs the rope just in time dangling to it.. I hear him say ' Nope' multiple times as he climbs down.

He's quit...already.

" Come on Tynan I expected more then that." Ridoc ridicules.

I decide to go next, sprinting over the log it just changed it's rotation when I propelled myself off. Ok.. first one down.. Next was the loose pillars Tynan just failed. I take a second to examine them before I jump gripping on a ridge I pull myself, using my feet as well to stand in the sturdy ones as I ascend.

It worked well, leaving me not as tired but man... I'm already panting.. and I'm only half way. I stand there for a minute trying to catch my breath, sweat dropping down my skin, some even got in my eye which burned.

Just my luck.

I huff, now trying to see with my watery eyes I grab for another ridge, which gives out as soon as i put more weight on it. It goes tumbling and I almost go down with it my body swinging almost off, I hiss gripping to the ledge I was on pulling myself back taking a couple now shakey breaths..

I'm ok, I'm still alive. I go a little slower, remembering Brennan's advice..I'm doing ok.. I pull att each and every ridge before I fully put weight on again finally making it to the top. Next it was the Chimney looking thing.

I look inside the hollow architecture trying to figure out how Sawyer got up here, there was a rope, but it was tied to a bell signalling if you use it..so you can't use that the ridges were were shallow to grip into. He'd have to..

I grin, makes sense.

I jump up using my feet to dig into both side of the wall, them my hands as I need to lift my feet to get higher... I know I'm in shape, but this made me gasp for air as I now use shakey arms to pull myself out.

I lay on the platform to 10 seconds- I counted - gaping for air. It burned, as I stood looking down I saw another girl start, her name was Lilac she was wicked fast she sprinted already advancing on the second obstacle.

I look at the logs jutting, the ropes were further away then the others, I see this is where they want you to die... slip and fall down the mountain into the misty abyss below.

I swallow, I need to keep moving for this one, I get into a running stance allowing just a couple more seconds of rest before I propel myself again..quick feet..quick feet.. THere were 5 it felt like i was barely touching them as my breathing increases with a new found rush.. I made it...

I hear the distant hooting from below, I take one more deep breath looking at the 90 degree ramp. My heart hammers from exhaustion, " Screw this damn course." I mutter to myself as I eye it.

" Come on Freya!" Sawyer and Cresta yell from above peering down.

Also in Brennan's notes he made the tip to run, and just before gravity takes your foot pulling it down again, lurch yourself to the top and pull. Easy..not..

My body was screaming at me at this point, I take a couple more breaths..let's just get this over with. I take a couple steps back running pushing myself with every step I go up.

Run run run!

I felt that slip and that's when I jumped, my hands latch on the lip as I pull myself wincing.. come on..come on...

I was almost there... with the last bit of energy I hoist the dead weight of my knee on the ledge rolling on the platform. I did it...

" Nice!" Cresta says pulling me forward a little bit.

" Kicks your ass doesn't it?" Sawyer grins.

I chuckle standing up, that when I heard the screech...

We all turn see Lilac trip on the rotating logs, she hits her head on the next one, rolling off. "Lilac!" Hetta screeches just as she reached the platform she just fell off of.

She hits the moutain at different angles all I could see was how her body seemed to be broken as she falls lower and lower. " Oh Malek.." Cresta gasps needing to look away, Sawyer stares in shock as well.

Hetta watches looking horrified.

" Run Hetta!" I yell, " Focus on running, don't stop!"

Her fearful eyes look at me " I..I-"

" You can! Your right there! I'm right here!" I reassure, now hearing my heart pounding in my ears, " I believe in you!"

Please let her be able to do this...

We all yelled encouragement as she finally nods, and with light speed she makes it. I scream in victory, she even had stamina left to climb up the ramp making me look like a total novice.

She seems to also me a good 20 pounds lighter then me and 5 inches shorter. Then again I'm just tall for a girl.She lifts herself on the platform and I engulfed her in a hug. " Thank goodness.." She seems almost surprised but hugs me back.

Well, we didn't die..so that's good..

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