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"Felix, the recording is ready. Start playing it now," Dr. Namoc ordered.

"Understood, Doctor," Felix replied as he began playing the file.

"The mimic relic holder is none other than Jessica Raichan, a high school student who is currently attending Central City High School, but will soon move to VD High School," Felix stated assertively.

"Her personality is nothing short of arrogant and quick-tempered, which makes her the perfect host for the mimic relic," Felix added with conviction.

"Excellent. Now that we know where both relics are, let's proceed in retrieving them even if it means the demise of their respective hosts", Dr Namoc replied

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"Today is finally the day. We're moving to VD High School. We're supposed to meet at the school at exactly 11 am. Everyone is saying their goodbyes. Mine doesn't seem like a goodbye though...

"As Mercy scrambled to pack their bags, she couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. "Hurry up Freda, we're going to be late!" she exclaimed, trying to suppress her growing frustration. Just then, her phone buzzed with a message from their mother. "Mum just called and she wants us to have a safe journey and also take good care of ourselves", she said, feeling a wave of warmth and comfort wash over her. But her sister's response was less than enthusiastic. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Just hurry up with the packing", Freda replied, clearly preoccupied. Sensing the tension in the air, Mercy tentatively asked, "So you still haven't gotten over the issue with Mum?" But Freda snapped back, "Now is not the time. Freda just hurry. We can't be late."

"Miss Coman, Richie's mother, spoke to her son in a gentle and reassuring tone. "Listen, my son," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know you've put in a lot of hard work and effort to reach this point, and you truly deserve this opportunity. Don't let your dad's presence make you uncomfortable. Pursue your dream with confidence and determination, and I'm sure you'll do exceedingly well." Richie felt a sense of comfort and warmth as he hugged his mother and expressed his gratitude for her unwavering support.

Nesta turned to her mother with a calm expression on her face. "Please mum, don't worry about me. I'll be just fine. You don't need to trouble yourself about me", she said reassuringly. Ms Honey, on the other hand, looked at her daughter with a mix of concern and love. "I know you'll be fine my dear but you've got dangerous people at your back. I don't want you to get hurt", she replied with a firm tone.

Nesta smiled softly and reached out to hold her mother's hand. "It's okay mum. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. I'll take good care of myself", she said, trying to ease her mother's worries.

Ms Honey's eyes softened as she gazed at her daughter. "Okay, my dear if you say so. But promise me that you'll be careful and always stay safe", she said, pulling Nesta close for a hug.

After a few moments, Nesta pulled away and nodded. "I promise Mum. And I won't forget to call you always", she said with a smile. Ms Honey returned the smile, but her eyes held a hint of sadness as she watched her daughter walk away.

"Excellent, everyone's finally arrived," Miss Sally exclaimed confidently, a bright smile on her face. "Let's get this show on the road, people. VD High School is waiting for us and we're not going to disappoint them!" The group of students eagerly made their way outside, where a sleek blue bus was already parked, ready to take them on their thrilling field trip. The students chattered excitedly as they climbed aboard the bus, eager to see what the day had in store for them. As they settled into their seats, they noticed a similar, red class B bus pulling up in front of them. Jessica shot a smug grin at Nesta as the smaller bus passed by, but the rest of the group remained unfazed, confident in their abilities, and excited for the adventure ahead.

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