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"Are you okay Nesta, you were acting strange back there", Mercy asked. "I don't know guys, something was not right back there", Nesta replied.
"If there's anything you can tell us, we're your classmates", John added. "It's okay guys I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. Let's get going now", Nesta replied.

The bus pulled over infront of Nesta's house.
She packed her bag and made her way out of the bus. "Good night Netsa, have plenty of rest. You should be better by tomorrow", Mercy said. "Thanks Mercy I appreciate your enthusiasm", Nesta replied with a smile
"Hey my dear", Ms Honey said as she opened the door. "I heard your voice that's why I came out. You were not coming and I was worried sick", she said. "Don't worry about me mum. I'm fine", Nesta replied. "Are you sure my dear, you don't look okay", Ms Honey asked . "It's fine mum. I'm really tired. I could use some rest", She said as she entered the room. She dropped into the couch with a sigh of relief.
"How did your exams go?", Ms Honey asked as she poured the wine into the glass. "It went well mum. The results should be out in a few days", Nesta replied.
"I know you'll do great", Ms Honey said. "I hope so mum", Nesta replied. "What do you mean you hope so. You have never felt so down after and exams before. You always feel so confident. What happened this time around?", Ms Honey asked.
"Something happened during the exams mum", Nesta finally blurted out. "What happened my dear?", Ms Honey asked as she sat besides her.

"When I was about to start the work, I felt a strange voice in my head. It kept saying I stole something and I must return it. The voice didn't sound familiar. I've not heard it before", Nesta said.
Ms Honey was stunned as Nesta spoke . "W-what did it say you stole?", Ms Honey asked
"I don't know mum. It was something about a Mind Relic", Nesta replied. The long gasp on Ms Honey's face continued

Mercy knocked on the door as she got behind it. The evening weather was very cold. Everyone seemed to be indoors. The streets were very quiet.
Freda opened the door minutes after the knock went on the door. "hey sis. You're back", Freda said as she let her in. "Yeah sis. We took longer than expected. We had series of tests. Some were good others to were quite tricky", Mercy replied. "Mmm I see. That's why I didn't want to take the exams. It's a whole headache on it's own", Freda replied. "Ah well. All the same it's all over now. We're waiting for our results. I sure hope I'll pass", Mercy said. "You will sis, you're the best", Freda said as she hugged her from behind. "Now let's get you something to eat. You look weary".

"Yes please, this is Coman industries how may we help you?', the secretary asked as she talked on the phone."I'm after the CEO", the voice replied
"Just a minute", she said again as she hung up. She picked up another phone and dialed a number. "Sir?. There's a call for you on the third line", she said. "Okay thank you connect me through", Mr Coman replied. "Okay sir thank you", she added

Ms Coman came walking through her son's door.
"Why did you leave the door open Richard?", She asked as she closed it
"Sorry mum. I was so exhausted that I forgot to even close it. We had a though day at school today. The recommendation test came on and the rest of us had to prepare seriously for the main test next week. It was really a bitter work", He said. "Aww I'm so sorry my dear. Don't worry you'll get through this", Ms Honey replied. "Yeah mum. I hope so", Richie replied.
"Since you're already tired I'll leave you to rest, I'll send some coffee in", she said as she got up. "Thanks mum", Richie replied.

"Why the long face mum?. What's wrong. Do you know what that thing is?", Nesta asked as her mum  was still looking stunned......

The end ..........

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