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Secrets are like plants. They can stay buried deep in the earth for a long time, but eventually they'll send up shoots and give themselves away. They have to. It's their nature. Just a tiny green stem at first. Which slowly, insidiously grows taller, stronger, unfolding itself, until there it is. A big fat secret, right in front of your face; a fully bloomed flower perfumed with the scent of deception.

"What is it Mum?. What's wrong. Why are you crying?", Nesta asked as tears flowed from Ms Honey's eyes.
"There's something I need to show you
My dear, she said. "Follow me"
Nesta got up and followed her mum. They walked down  the dark stairs and into the basement
"What are we doing here mum?. You asked me never to come here ever since I was a child. Why bring me here now?", Nesta asked
"There's something very important I need to tell you my dear", Ms Honey said
"Tell me mum, I'm all ears",  Nesta replied.

Ms Honey sighed for a moment before speaking

"Years ago, after your dad and I moved to central city, things were very hard for us. We didn't have a place to stay. At that same time I was pregnant with you. That was when things got worse. All of a sudden things begun to change. Our lives changed for the better. Few weeks later, we were living a luxurious life. No one new where this newly found wealth came from. Anytime I questioned your dad about it, he'll say I shouldn't worry about that part and that I should leave it to him.
Few months later, I gave birth to you . That was when your dad decided to tell me everything. He worked with a secret society who's aim was to manipulate sages on the quantum level. This society was a evil one. They planned to build super intelligent androids that would take over the world without taking into consideration the human race. They came up with super technological innovations called Relics. These relics were the core of the androids. But when your dad discovered this evil plan, he decided to act on it. He therefore stole the Relic box from the society one day.
It was when he brought it home that he told me everything.
He decided to hide the Relics in a place where the agency would never find it.
That was when we made the terrible decision of our life. When we opened the box, there was only one Relic. The other one was gone. We couldn't afford to lose this relic too. So we decided to hide it in our baby. That was when your dad administered the Relic on you.
Few years later, we thought everything was over.
One day, it was Christmas. That was when everything ended. The agency somehow found us and demanded for the relics. Once your dad couldn't give them to the agency, they murdered him.
But now, it seems the agency has risen once again and now they're after you. My dear", Ms Honey said as she cried even harder
Nesta was also stunned as she heard those words.
"So they blue van with the cobra sign on it I saw were the people who murdered my dad", She asked. "Yes my dear. And I'm afraid they might do something to you too. We must leave this place immediately", Ms Honey said
She got up and moved from the room.
She headed straight to her bedroom and started packing her clothes
Nesta followed her soon after
"What are you standing there for?. Start packing already", Ms Honey said
"No mum, I'm not leaving", Nesta blurted out
"W-what do you mean you're not leaving", Ms Honey asked as tears flowed
"How can we leave mum?. The people who murdered my dad are still lurking around. We can't let that be. We must get justice for dad.
If dad planted this relic in me, then he'll expect more from me than to just run. I'm sorry mother but I'm not going anywhere", she said


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