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"Good morning class", Miss Sally said. "Good morning miss Sally", They all replied. "Today is a very special day. We have a letter from the school principal. I'd like us to go through them. Class rep can you help me with that?", "Yes Miss", John replied as he got up.

"Hello everyone! This is your principal Matthew. It is such a great honour to hear from you. The thing is I have just been elected president for the Grundy VD High school. And since you my students are about to take your step to high school, I'd like you all to come here. But before you get in here, you need to take an exams. Those who pass will be accepted to study in  VD HIGH SCHOOL. We need an average of 30 students from our school . So put up your best. And we also have recommendation test for students who are extremely good. If you think you have what it takes to take the recommendation exams then get ready. It's not going to be easy. And  remember, once you fail the recommendation exams you lose your chance of entering. VD.  The recommendation exams is in two weeks. And the general test is in a month time.  Good luck y'all.

"Grundy VD high school! wow that's amazing", Mike said. "You all heard that students , you have the chance to be apart of the great institution in the state. You all should bring your best. As you heard we only need 30 students from both class A and class B. And I assure you that Class B is not a very easy class. They have produced the best grades in the last decade. So if you really want this, then bring your best. And I'll be taking the names of the recommendation exams by the end of the week. Have a nice day ", Miss Sally said as the bell rung for break.

"This is amazing guys. VD is the hottest school in town and now that we have the chance to go we have to give it our all", Tyler said. "Don't be silly Tyler, you heard what Miss Sally said. We need to pass a test before we enter. And with class B standing in our way, I can assure you that only a pinch of us will get through", Richie replied. "Oh Richie there's no need to worry. Your dad can get you there with ease. You don't need to stress", Mike said. "You're silly Mike, I don't want to cheat in this one too. I'm going to take the exams with my own head and if I fail, I fail with honour", Richie replied. "Oh God",Mike said as he slammed his hand on his face. "Nesta did really slap the hell outta you".

"This is an amazing offer girls", Thelma said. "You know it girl, we're about to enter VD, isn't that amazing", Mercy said. "You guys feel over confidence. Don't forget we need to pass an exams and Class B isn't going to go easy on us. Plus Nesta.. girl quit dreaming", Freda replied. "Stop thinking like that Freda, we're gonna pass the test and we're going to get into VD", Cindy said. "You got to stay positive"

"Wow VD! That was my dream high school ever since I was little. I can't believe I have the chance to go there", Lavender said. "Yeah Lavender, it's really a great school. I have heard a lot about it ", Nesta replied. "I hope we all get into it", lavender said. "Oh we will alright", Nesta replied with a smile. Just then three girls crossed their way. "We'll well well", the first girl said as she clapped her hands. "You might be that psychopath they let in. I hear your name is Nesta. Pathetic indeed", She added. "Hey listen lady. I don't know who the hell are you and you don't have any right to talk to me like that. If you've heard I'm a psychopath then you should know it's a better reason for you to stay away", Nesta replied. "Oh darling don't worry. I love psychopaths that includes you my dear. You'll be quite easy to handle. By the way I'm Jessica and this is Hela and Matilda", She said as she pointed to her friends. "Okay Jessica and whatever whatever are you done with your mellow drama now? We want to leave", Nesta asked. "Oh no darling I'm just getting started. Well if you haven't noticed yet I'm Richie's girlfriend and now he's not in good terms with me and I figured out you're the cause. Now you can consider this a warning. If you don't want any trouble with me, you better stay away", Jessica said. "Oh God, another ten minutes of my life wasted", Nesta yelled. "If I you came here about Mr Coman I wouldn't have entertained you for a second", Nesta said. "You don't know who you're dealing with girl", Jessica said. "Oh I know. You're.. what did you say your name was..oh yeah Jessica more like looser ca", Nesta said as she laughed. "How dare you call me that!", Jessica yelled as she stretched her hand to slap Nesta. Just about that second, Richie showed up and held her hand before she could Land the slap.

___The end____



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