The Next Journey

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Chapter Thirty-Two

The Next Journey


Nell sighed happily as he stepped into the massive food hall. People young and old, servant and hunter, all moved about as they bustled to get food or move onto their morning tasks. Nell felt much better today. The surrounding noise wasn't as aggressive on the ears and his body moved without the stiff saddle soreness of the day before. He checked the apprentice table carefully but there was no one from his own year seated there. There weren't many students back from their winter hunting grounds. Nell recognised a few fourth-year apprentices and one fifth-year. They gave him a general nod before turning back to their own conversations. Nell headed eagerly to the banquet table to look over the many, many plates.

After months of eating rice, scorpions, tarantulas, cacti and bats, the options in front of him seemed too numerous to choose.

'Nell, may I suggest something light? You'll make yourself sick if you have too much,' Sallos said into his ear. Nell jumped. He'd been so transfixed, he hadn't noticed his master coming up behind him. He swallowed his mouthful of saliva.

'Right...' Nell said regretfully, staring around with a slightly heartbroken expression.

The demon snorted quietly with amusement. 'The food isn't going anywhere, Nell.'

Nell heaved a dramatic sigh. 'I know. Coffee?'

'Coffee,' Sallos agreed. Nell had gotten so used to drinking his coffee black with only sugar that he didn't bother adding any milk or cream to his mug. He tried to keep his plate reasonable, selecting the buttery scrambled eggs, a few pieces of ham, roast tomatoes, and a piece of bread. The bread was soft and fluffy, nothing like the dense flatbread they had been living off for breakfast in the canyon. Nell sighed happily. Maybe still concerned that Nell would go back for seconds and third, Sallos led him out to sit out on the lawn just outside the gates. It was becoming a bit of a tradition for master and apprentice to eat together, away from the hall for the first few meals. It took some getting used to, being a part of the stronghold again.

Plates quickly licked clean, they sat quietly, watching the town far away and the road which was filling with people, animals and carts as folk set off for the day.

'Will Jezire and Theoura stay?' Nell asked.

'I am unsure. This is not their usual stronghold. They will likely stay for a week or two to feed up their animals and recover strength. They may even want their tattoos before they leave.'

Nell blinked. 'Tattoos, right... I had almost forgotten about those,' he muttered, staring down at his own arm. He would get another band, another black star. He should be happy about that, proud at the very least. His master gave him a knowing look.

'You have earnt that star, Nell. You faced your fears and stood your ground.'

'I know. It's just... everyone talks about black stars as though they make you some big hero. A powerful hunter that slayed mythical monsters. I don't feel like that. I'm not that.′

'And that is why I still believe you should have that tattoo,' Sallos said. Nell nodded mutely and leant against the man, absorbing some of his warmth. A gust of wind blew, slipping up his bare ankles. Nell shivered.

'I think I need a new pair of trousers again,' Nell said sheepishly.

'You keep growing,' Sallos sighed, as he inspected the apprentice uniform that didn't seem to fit quite right.

'Sorry,' Nell said automatically. The demon chuckled.

They headed into town late in the afternoon. Sallos had needed to go in and wake a sleeping Thorn. The young drack was not pleased to have been woken but a couple of fat chickens had the beast more agreeable to the short ride. Master and apprentice cantered down the hill, the cold wind whipping their faces. It was thrilling to be in mountains and forest country again. Nell grinned as they broke into a gallop, letting the dracks stretch their legs.

Hunters of Sian - Book 2. The Užaren CanyonWhere stories live. Discover now