A Hunter's Path

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

A Hunter's Path


Morning came and neither master nor apprentice moved from the bed. They had both been completely exhausted, both mentally and physically. The dracks were likely still asleep and the world was quiet. Sallos stirred first, which was so often the case, chased from his dreams by churned up memories and the sensation of pain. The demon reluctantly shifted, his bruised and cut body protesting the movement. He instinctively sniffed at Nell, scenting for infection. They would need to be particularly careful of the boy's leg. The cut had been cleaned and the salve applied, but if they weren't diligent, his weakened system might still succumb to infection.

Sallos lay there for a long time, Nell sleeping like a corpse beside him. Finally, the demon's parched throat and empty belly reminded Sallos that they would need to eat in order to heal. He eased himself away from Nell's side. He didn't bother pulling the thin blanket back up. The heat would soon be too much for it. Sallos had to empty the bath and collect water for themselves and the dracks.

It was a dull and painful process for his aching muscles, but nothing he hadn't dealt with before. Shade lifted his head when Sallos first emerged from the cabin but when the demon didn't show any signs of calling for him, the drack quickly went back to sleep. Sallos emptied the bathwater onto the weed patch. They would need to keep some vegetation, but what they needed more than that was some sort of fresh meat.

Sallos was not pleased to see many fresh tracks outside the barrier. The Callidus had come during the night, prowling about for weaknesses. At least they hadn't thrown themselves into the forcefield. That would have woken the hunters. Sallos checked the barrier, but the guard sigils were still well formed and powered up. Crouching by the barrier, he called magic to him, snapping his fingers as he traced the seeking sigil. The sigil reacted to the largest creature in the area. It would indicate its general direction with a bright glow. If it pointed away from camp, it likely meant the Callidus was still close.

The glow was dimmed by the bright sun, but it hovered in Sallos's palm, leaning one way and then the other. Finally, it settled, the glowing orb tugging toward Shade. Sallos collected his javelin and made the short trip to the closest set of nets. It was incredibly unwise to enter the canyon with no partner or drack, but they needed the protein.

For the first time in many long nights, fortune favoured him. Three bats were tangled in the nets. Two were already dead. They had probably been there for a day or so. Caught and unable to free themselves, they had baked in the hot sun. It was not a good way to go. Left any longer and the meat would rot in the scorching heat. He quickly killed the third and brought them down with the netting. The netting was completely tangled around them. Several holes had been made by the struggling animals. He could repair it back at the cabin.

Nell was awake by the time Sallos returned. He was sitting up, looking pale, angry and upset.

'I thought you had left again,' Nell said in a barely controlled voice. Sallos placed the mass of netting and bats on the table.

'It was not my intention for you to wake whilst I was gone.'

'Those nets were outside the barrier,' Nell said, eyes narrowing.

'They were. We need meat.'

'You really don't care about dying, do you?' Nell snapped. Sallos turned to face him proper, his smooth features irritatingly calm.

'Do not forget who you are speaking to. I am a demon. I have lived for hundreds of years.'

'Your mentor lived for hundreds of years too, I'm sure. And he was also a demon,' Nell said, not backing down. He met his mentor's gaze through angry tears. 'Don't you remember what it felt like to leave this place without him? Is that what you want for me or do you seriously just not care?' Nell knew he had crossed a line when he saw the man's face darken. Sallos walked towards him, suddenly looking far taller than Nell remembered.

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