The Mountain's Call

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Chapter Eight

The Mountain's Call

'Do you think we should smuggle some food with us?' Jeremy joked as he heaped sausages and several thick pancakes onto his plate.

Nell snorted. 'First off, no. We would be caught for sure. Secondly, we didn't have any trouble finding food last time.'

'You didn't?' Marshall spluttered. Nell and Jeremy glanced his way. The other boy had a forkful of scrambled eggs halfway to his mouth.

'Umm, no. We found a freshwater creek and found some crayfish. Did you guys not eat anything that night?' Jeremy asked.

Marshall's face went red. Nell remembered how Sumaya had stayed by Marshall's side to get him up the mountain. He had been such a poor rider at the time that she had worried that his drack might kill him if left alone. Mind, his riding skills had improved, but his relationship with his animal had not really strengthened.

'So, you two travelled together?' Derek asked curiously.

Jeremy nodded. 'Yeah, well, they didn't say we couldn't. It made things easier.'

There was a derisive snort. They glanced over at the older boys. Maeve was smirking where he stood with the other boys. 'What a surprise, the peasants went off together. Probably used to eating rats and grass. Plenty of it out there.' The others cackled stupidly. Nell was dying to point out that Nigel and Denzel had gone off in a group as well, but Cadric was already marching towards them.

'Once you finish stuffing your faces, head into the arena to pick your tools. Then saddle up and get the fuck out of here. I want you all gone before the end of the first period.' The students rose from their seats but before they could move Cadric called out. 'Oh, and one more thing. You will need to pair up. It's about time you all stopped thinking you were slick shit. Hunters work together. Pairs only.' Then he turned and strode off.

Jeremy grinned at Nell. 'Well, that's easy.' Nell nodded.

Derek gave Marshall a nudge. 'Partners?' Marshall nodded eagerly. Nell couldn't help but wonder if the older boy had heard about Marshall's performance last year...

To their surprise, Sumaya partnered up with Arlen. The noble looked mildly surprised when the dark-haired girl approached him. Sumaya was far more unbiased than the boys were. Sure, she'd put Denzel in his place before, but she didn't carry grudges. So long as Arlen carried his weight, she didn't seem to care. As soon as the partners were sorted, they headed to the arena.

Each apprentice had their own gear just as they carried their own weapons. Nell and Jeremy had been excited to receive their leather satchels containing a simple flint and steel, twine, and a good knife. Nell had treated his gear with care over the last year. Aside from his glaive, water paints and a small piece of gold drack eggshell, it was the only property that Nell had really ever owned. He had managed to carry nothing with him from his old village. The packs may have been basic to the nobles but to Jeremy and Nell, they were precious.

'I wonder what's so different about the trip this time?' Marshall asked as they headed outside to the footpath that led to the arena. Unfortunately, that was a question that Nell thought he knew the answer to. The air was frightfully still as they made their way outside. No birds flew over the stronghold and there was an odd coolness to the air that didn't match the blazing sun. Nell glanced over at Jeremy to see his best friend also gazing up at the sky in some concern.

'You feel that?' Nell asked in a low voice.

Jeremy nodded. 'Yeah. I do.'

'We may have to forget about food this trip and try to work on shelter first,' Nell muttered. A couple of the other third years also glanced skywards but the majority of the class seemed not to notice the closeness of the day. They crossed through the massive doors into the sandy floored arena.

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