New Stakes

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Chapter Five

New Stakes

Cadric was not impressed to find a confident Nell and a trembling Marshall at the Hunters' table.

'What in the hells do you runts want?' It was a better reception than they might have got. Truth be told, Nell had done something very similar in his first year. On discovering he was stationed in Hoarfrost Forest, Nell had marched up to his instructors and demanded help choosing the best weapon. He had stunned the demons with his boldness and stunned them further when his scrawny ass had actually managed to survive the hunt.

'Master Sallos and Master Artimel have been given their stations,' Nell said, ignoring Marshall who was gulping beside him. Nell felt his stomach clench as the old demon's face creased down in an expression that was almost concern.

'And judging by the fact that they have been stationed so early, I'm going to guess you know exactly where,' Nell continued. Arabella, seated elegantly close-by, placed her mug on the tabletop. Her four pupils fixed on them.

'The Užaren Canyon. What can you tell us about it? Aside from the fact that we're going to die,' Nell finished flatly. Marshall made a small, squeaky noise.

Cadric shook his scraggy head. 'I always knew you were weird ass kid. I'll be honest with you brats, most of your hunt will be up to sheer dumb luck.'

'Your riding classes will be worse off for this,' Arabella said, cutting in.

'Why is that ma'am?' Marshall asked nervously.

'Cause they'll need scent training. Dracks are smart. They're much lower on the food chain than the Callidus Zabójca. They will know on a deep instinctive level that they are in danger. Without the scent training, no drack will willingly hunt a Callidus,' Cadric grunted. Marshall looked, if possible, more stunned. Nell wasn't as surprised by this new information.

'Alright. How do we start?' Nell asked without hesitation. Several of the demons, Furcus included, had paused in their conversation to listen. Nell never saw the surprise on their faces. Cadric snorted.

'Leave that with us brat. You just focus on your classes. With a place like the Canyon ahead of you, we can lean less on your literacy classes this year.' Nell's mouth opened in shock. 'That is not to say you can slack off in your writing classes. This is not a free pass but... there may be some given leniency in order to focus more on the classes that will keep you alive. If possible.'

Not wanting to jinx his new good fortune, Nell nodded quickly. 'We understand. Thank you.' He backed away and nearly stepped on Marshall's foot. The other boy hadn't exactly been overly helpful in the conversation. Still. They had the summer season to work together. Marshall followed after Nell with all the grace and unsteadiness of a lost puppy. As they left the huge banquet hall, Nell could feel the eyes of the other apprentices on them the entire way.

Classes began anew the next day. As though in mocking protest, the sky broke open and unleashed a deluge of rain. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was their swimming day... unfortunately they weren't so lucky.

'Nothing like a bit of rain to start the day,' Jeremy chirped as they lined up to begin their run. A "bit of rain" turned out to be so thick, they could only really see a couple of feet in front of them. This comment received several snarling comments in return from many of the nobles. Even Nell couldn't dredge up the will to correct his friend. The run was awful. Their gear was soaked in seconds, boots heavy and full of water and mud sucking them down with every step.

Hunters of Sian - Book 2. The Užaren CanyonWhere stories live. Discover now