Dust and Bones

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Chapter Nineteen

Dust and Bones

Nell quite liked the ferry. For a couple of extra silver coins, they were even fed. Dinner was a fish curry, made with a healthy portion of ginger, garlic, and lime leaves. The fish were caught straight from the river with nets that were dragged along behind the vessel. As they sat beside their masters to eat, they could appreciate just how many people were on board. Several farmers huddled about in groups, gambling with dice, talking or smoking pipes.

Most of the people and animals on the vessel gave the hunters a wide berth. Nell watched as the broth was distributed to the other passengers who could afford to pay. There weren't many. Humans were generally not paid as well as demons in most professions.

'This is better than having to ride the whole way up,' Derek said happily as he spooned up a piece of flakey fish.

'Faster too,' Nell agreed. Marshall didn't seem to be listening. He was watching a group of young ladies who were looking at the apprentices with great interest. Nell glanced their way, too. They were pretty enough. They wore the traditional garb of farm folk, brown, grey and cream. They had plain, soft feminine features and friendly smiles. They clearly liked what they saw as they took in the three apprentices in their traveling leathers and tattoos. Nell thought they were sadly naïve.

No woman should choose a hunter as a mate. What a lonely, sad existence. To never know if her hunter would come home. Hunters weren't built to live full lives. Especially the human ones. It didn't seem to matter to these young women. As Derek and Marshall smiled dopily at them, they seemed to find the courage to sneak away from their gossiping fathers to sit closer.

'Hello,' said the first girl, her freckles bright on her sun kissed face.

'Good evening, ladies,' Marshall said smoothly. Nell fought down a snort. Apparently, Marshall was plenty brave enough to talk to women. Good for him.

'You're hunters, aren't you?' asked the other girl excitedly.

'We are. They're on their second hunt and I'm on my third,' Derek said proudly.

'Wow, so you've seen monsters then?' asked the third girl, her cheeks pink.

'Oh yes. I've hunted the man-eating screaming stags of the Dryiary Plains,' said Derek casually, his hand coming up to "accidentally" fiddle with his fanged necklace. All three girls looked very impressed.

'And you, what have you hunted?' The freckle faced girl was peering at Marshall, her eyes tracing the old scar on his cheek from his first hunt.

'Winged Javelins. Huge bugs that have talons as well as pincers,' he said, sticking his chest out a bit. The girls gasped. They certainly made a good audience.

'Nell's hunted a Oculis Capti Mortem,' Marshall added, nudging Nell in the ribs.

The trio's eyes narrowed as they took Nell in. He felt himself flush. He knew he was still the smallest of the three apprentices.

'In your first year?'

'That's what Marshall said. Look at his tattoo,' Derek said, his voice a touch sharper in response to their change in attitude. Nell smiled at him. It was touching but unnecessary. Nell really didn't care if they believed him or not.

Hunters of Sian - Book 2. The Užaren CanyonWhere stories live. Discover now