The Retreating Sun

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Chapter Thirty

The Retreating Sun


Nell helped Sallos settle the sheet back in place over the old table. Everything was packed, the curtains were drawn, the floor had been swept one last time. The sigils were to be laid dormant until the next group of hunters came to awaken them. The others were waiting outside with their own beasts and supplies. The worst season of his life so far was coming to an end.

There had been many nights when the Callidus Zabójca had come to test the camp's shields, but they had not managed to break any others. Though the hunting parties had been out to destroy as many Callidus pups as possible, fights with adults were inevitable. Injuries had been sustained on all sides. Jonas had broken his wrist after being thrown from his mount during an attack. The healing magic Theoura provided had stabilized it, but it would need to heal the old fashion way. He hadn't been the only one. Marshall had cracked a rib during a hunt and Artimel had nearly lost an eye in another. He was still wearing the eye patch he had fashioned.

Theoura's animal had lost a large chunk of its tail to an adult Callidus and Shade had several new scars. Nell's own injuries were nearly completely mended but the poisoned-laced claw marks on his leg would never completely fade. Though the wound had closed, it had scarred badly. Nell already knew he'd carry it for the rest of his life.

Nell left the cabin and walked over to Thorn as Sallos locked up the little hut. Thorn was very eager to be gone. He stood still to let his human mount, not out of care for his rider but for the chance to be moving away from this horrid place sooner. Nell felt that same looming throb of pain and regret as he reflected that neither Derek nor Arawn would be returning with them. He closed his eyes against the sun and breathed deep. He touched the necklace that was resting under his tunic.

'For the losses we have sustained, we have done well here,' Jezire grunted as Sallos swung up into the saddle. Shade snorted, sleek muscles trembling. It seemed even the large drack was just as keen to be leaving.

'We have done well,' Theoura agreed. Her boy, Jonas, was riding quietly behind her, his right arm in a sling. Nell didn't really get along with him as well as he did with Blair. Maybe it was because Blair was just more openly friendly whereas Jonas preferred no other company. Or at least, he seemed to. Maybe he talked plenty around his mistress, but Nell doubted it.

Blair had to stand a little way away because Nettle was prancing all over the place and she didn't want the drackina to start a squabble with the younger dracks. Dagger was chewing spitefully on his bit and glaring menacingly at the drackina, his tail whipping. Marshall was pale and trying not to move much in the saddle.

'Are you okay?' Nell asked.

'I'll manage,' Marshall said in a pained voice.

'Honestly, I have no idea where that beast gets its energy,' Jezire muttered, shooting his own glare at the bouncing Nettle.

'You're just jealous cause your old blob can't go like he used to,' Blair teased. Titan twisted his huge head around and stared the girl down with something like insult on his scaled face.

'Watch who you're callin' old,' Jezire barked.

'Let's just get a move on,' sighed Theoura.

She took the lead with her silent apprentice following after. Artimel and Marshall went next, then Nell and Sallos and finally Jezire and Blair. It was decided by the demons to move as a large group. The Callidus were hyperaware of the hunters now and much more likely to try and pick them off as they left. Given many of the hunters and their animals now carried various injuries, it was much safer to move as one mob.

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