Long Days

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Chapter Six

Long Days

Arabella was explaining something about the properties of wormwood. Nell was trying very hard to concentrate on his work. It was more difficult than normal on account of his dumb brain taking him right back to the night before. He and Sallos had spent several hours together. His master had seemed to develop a bit of a sadistic streak.

He'd pinned Nell's hands about his head and spent the first half hour working gentle biting kisses into every inch of soft skin that he could find until Nell had begged him to just fuck him already! The result had been to be rolled over onto his belly. Sallos had pushed steadily inside his body, hot and slick and hard. Pinned thoroughly to the blankets, Nell had laid there and taken every inch of the man's cock deep into his body, clinging to the covers for dear life and damn near sobbing as Sallos leisurely rocked in and out of his body with slow rolling thrusts. How many times he'd spilled into the blankets, he couldn't quite remember. He'd been so over-sensitized, the man's huge cock easily pressing hard into his prostate with every glide.

Evil. That's what Nell had thought when Sallos finally spilled deep inside of Nell's passage with a slight jerk and a rush of thick liquid. Nell could still feel the deepest of those bites against his clothes as well the delicious ache in his ass. He only regretted the mess they had made of the sheets. The bitter scent of cum and sex, sticking to his skin, in his hair...

'Nell,' Jeremy hissed.

'Huh?' Nell looked up. Arabella was standing at the front of the class, her hands on her hips.

'Sorry to bore you pup. Seeing as you apparently know everything there is to know about wormwood, how about you start off today's brew,' she snapped. Nell winced. Ah, class, right. Oops.

'Sorry you got given all that extra homework,' Jeremy said after class, not actually sounding sorry in the slightest. Nell sighed and grinned. Despite the rather terrible classes this morning, his good mood persisted. Funny how several rounds of good sex and long sleep could do that. The only upside had been when he had decided to go up to Arabella after Botany and ask her for any suggestions as to botanical books he could borrow from the library specific to the Užaren Canyon. Her sour expression had lifted just a little as she had thought for a moment before tearing off a piece of parchment and jotting down a few titles.

'Give this to the librarian. Do not irritate her and be sure to take care of those books. Any damage to the covers will be repaired with your own skin.' From her incredibly grim expression, Nell knew the demoness was not joking. He shivered.

'I'll be very careful,' he had promised. Jeremy waited for him after cartography class and accompanied him to the spiralling labyrinthian library. If they hurried, they could get the books and head down for lunch in the main hall. So long as they could get the librarian to help them find what Nell needed... They had already once gotten on the bad side of the demoness librarian who creepily stalked the silent rows of ancient texts. She regarded them as they padded inside, her long wispy horns catching the torchlight.

'Ma'am, Mistress Arabella has requested these texts for me,' Nell said with a respectful bow. The woman huffed and snatched up the parchment. She scrutinised the titles for a moment. He saw her lips twitch.

'You're certainly one for difficult tasks,' she said dryly.

'It would seem so, ma'am,' he said, though considering he didn't get any bloody say at all where he was stationed, he thought her snark was hardly deserved. She spun away and went swiftly marching into the maze of shelves. Not wanting to lose her, Jeremy and Nell quickly followed. Most of the ancient books were physically chained to the shelves. It made their theft impossible which was just as well as many of the old tomes resonated with magic. Even Nell, who disliked reading and writing, would have loved to snoop through some of the volumes in this massive place. Unfortunately, the students were watched very closely. Only fifth year and above had permission to peruse at their leisure.

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