Cassie's POV

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Innocence and Freedom:

I need to seem like a child to be a popular kid. I need to be smart, or I'll get hurt. I need to have amazing grades and be the top student. My parents would hurt me otherwise. I need to seem innocent on top of it all. My parents at least let me have freedom with my clothes and make-up. Make-up feels heavy on my face, so I wear a minimal amount.  I'm the school's designer, Drama Captain, Debate Captain, Volleyball Captain, Knitting Club Leader, and so on. If I don't want scars, I need to be the perfect girl.

Wishful Thinking and Hopes:

I have always wanted an amazing family. I have thought about running away, but they could always find me. My parents know that I'd never want to ruin my perfect attendance and grades. My friends, they like to tease me by calling me a grade lunatic for that. My gut says that I shouldn't be around them. They never make me happy. If they need something they come to me. Otherwise, I'm just a ghost. 


Ah. Fuck. I've got a crush on Jason. I don't want to confess, because he has a crush on Olivia. I know he wants to get with her. So I'll just drop hints here and there. How do I make him attracted to me though? Maybe show it in my outfits. I guess I might start using cheesy pick-up lines- Lol. But if he tells me that he has fallen out of love with Olivia, I'll confess. Though I have been raised to have the men confess first. Eh. It's just one time.

"Who do I ask?":

Who should I ask on romance tips? Not my other friends. Definitely not. They don't pull people. Who do I ask if my outfits are pretty? Not my other friends, once again. They don't have no fashion. That's why they don't pull bitches. Lol am I talking shit-? Got It!! Olivia! She's one of the three people I trust the most. The other one is Jason, and *REDACTED*. I know I can depend on her!! She always tells the truth to me. <3 

Authors Note: You're so welcome for Cassie's part. I'll introduce you to the new character, known as *REDACTED* soon..

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