The Confrontation (Jason's POV)

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Jason decided to go confront Olivia. He had to know if it was true. The bond between them, he didn't want that to break from long distance. He never wanted to lose her. He knew she knew about his not-so-secret crush anymore. He hadn't stuck around to see if Olivia felt the same. He didn't think so. He thought of the things he could say. He decided to just "wing" it.

The Confrontation:

J: "Olivia... Are you getting home-schooled?"

O: "How'd you know? I was p'lanning to tell you today, but, you already know."

J: "Well.. As you already know, I have a crush on you.- Do you like me back?"

O: "Uhm... Sorry, but no. I'm not ready for a relationship either way."

J: "Ah.. I see. Well, I guess we should make the best of our time together. If you want, of course."

O: "Of course! Let's spend time with Cassie as well."

J: "Let's go then."


J: "That was really fun!" Did you guy have fun?"

O:"Yeah! I loved spending time with you guys!"

C:"Yeah, I'll really miss you though, Livia."

O:"I'll miss you guys more, of course!"

They got a cake to share-

J:"Well, I hope you do well."

(*Cassie begins to cry*)


O:"Cassie, it's fine , We'll keep in touch."

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