Olivia's Journal Entries

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Nope. I'm not a bad friend for wanting Cassie's perfect life. Cassie has a perfect body, perfect teeth, perfect family, she is quite literally the perfect girl. I hate that. Everybody used to compare me with her. They would say, "It's no comparison. Cassie is better than Olivia." That was killing me, slowly. I would think to myself, "I think, I think too much." I felt so sick of myself. So I had always joined more clubs than Cassie. I had to beat her at every. single. THING.  Naturally, I came from a competitive family. We needed really good grades. We had to come in the top three. Every single time Cassie beat me. She got a 4.0 GPA & CPA. I only got 3.9. 

She wore cute outfits. She always asked if they looked "cutesy." I wore preppy clothing. It never looked good on me. I had a decent amount of makeup. I would wear some eyeliner, concealer to hide my dark circles, some lip tint, and some mascara. This year I thought that I'd look better than Cassie. Boy, was I wrong. She had a minimal amount of make-up on. She only wore eyeliner and eyeshadow. 

I will always hide behind a mask of lies. Lies are the most exquisite form of love. I will make it seem like I'm not jealous. Maybe manipulation will help me out. I could use manipulation to make Cassie my puppet. I'd have to be careful, though. No one can see my journal and read it. I must keep it under lock and key. I will use manipulation to make me the best.

How should I plan it out? Maybe I'll compliment her every day until I feel like saying her outfit looks horrid. She is self-conscious. She has always only asked me. 

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