Chapter 14

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Pyrrha POV

"We need to move. Now." Raven growls her hand shifting to her sword, "We can easily take all of them."

"No." I state moving my arm in front of her, "We must inform Salem."

"One of us can do that while the rest infiltrate. We don't know what they could be doing to her!"

"I understand that but if we move without our queen's permission and get caught then they'll know we know where they are. We will lose everything, not just our future queen."

Winter, Sienna, and Blake watch the older Branwen cautiously, but she ended up backing down. I tap a button on my gauntlet and within moments our queen answers. 

"What's happened?"

 "Ozma has taken Y/N hostage. We lost sight of her. Do you wish for us to move in or wait for reinforcements?"

"Move in but keep a low profile. If need be, use Raven's portals to escape. Reinforcements should be there by morning."

"As you wish our queen."

I jump down from the small ledge, the rest of the girls quickly following suit. Once we reached the wall Raven summoned her portal and we stepped through. However instead of taking us directly to Y/N it took us just on the other side of the wall. Winter turned to the older Branwen who looked at her sword confused. 

"This isn't a time for games." She hissed glaring at Raven.

"I'm not playing any." Raven snarls back, "Something seems to be blocking it's full affect. I can't summon another portal."

"Well we do it the old fashion way then." Sienna smirks glancing at Blake, "Follow our lead. We're experts at this."

I nod letting the two faunus take the lead. We remain in the shadows as we rush towards a nearby building taking cover behind it right before a patrol walked by. Blake made sure the coast was clear before moving once again. It's not long before we reach the building Y/N was being held in. We slip through the back door catching a guard by surprise. 

"Oh shit-"

Blake wraps her arms around him, Sienna lunging forward and sinking her teeth into the woman. They lower her body to the ground, moving her just out of sight. As we re-enter the main hallway our eyes couldn't help but wander to the nearby cells. Winter had a look of disgust as she sees our brothers and sisters in terrible pain, their forms failing yet retrying to turn. I recognize the disgusting sterile smell of Ozma's cure coming from them, my anger boiling when I realize he merely was prolonging their suffering. I nearly trip when one of them grabs my ankle, their half-turned face holding nothing but pain.

"H-Help me." He sobs, "P-Please."

"Pyrrha." Raven hisses while I kneel down to him, "Focus on the mission. We can come back for the others later."

I grasp his arm before sinking my teeth into his wrist, his face contorting into one of pain as my sharp teeth puncture the skin. I quickly inject him with more venom, pulling away after a few seconds.

"You will overcome this." I state to him gently pushing his arm back through the bars, "Our queen is coming and with the help of her and our venom, you will join us brother. Ozma will pay."

He nods but whimpers curling up in a ball as my venom begins to fight off the cure. I don't turn back to the older Branwen, my eyes flickering over the cells. 

"The more we attempt to turn now, the more numbers we'll have inside Ozma's defenses. If our reinforcements struggle, then this could help turn the battle."

She tsks but doesn't argue my point. The others quickly go to the remaining cells, injecting the others with more venom. I busy myself with opening the next door, it sliding open to reveal another identical section. The girls follow after me and it's not long until we found Y/N, but when we did reach her cell Y/N didn't look good. 

Your POV

I could barely lift my head. They had taken so much blood from me that I couldn't even think straight. My whole body felt heavy and throbbed in discomfort, any movements I make being sluggish. 

"Y/N." I hear a voice whisper. 

I grit my teeth as I lift my head, my fuzzy vision making it hard to see who it was.

"Here to take more Ozma?" I snarl, "At this rate you'll kill your precious blood bag."

"Y/N it's us. Salem's sent us to retrieve you."

My eyes finally focus, and they widened upon seeing the small group of grimm huntsmen. Blake used her arm to pick the lock, the door slowly sliding open much to their frustration. However, before it could get halfway it slammed back shut startling the group. I hear the door open at the end of the hall and I didn't even have to see them to know who it was. 

"Glad to see you all have joined us."

"Ozma." Raven snarled stepping in front of the group as she unsheathes her weapon. 

"Raven. It's been sometime since we've seen each other. Hopefully after undoing your transformation, we can catch up."

"That won't be happening."

The door behind them opens forcing Sienna and Blake to face the new group of guards while the other three faced Ozma and the others. 

"Oh but it is. I'm not giving you a choice."

I could only watch as the girls were sandwiched, doing the best they could in such a small space. Ozma's huntsmen were good easily going toe to toe with the girls. Blake cries out when one of them hits her stomach, their weapon lighting up as it began to tase her. Sienna attempted to come to her aid, but she met the same fate. I gathered my strength and lunged forward in my chains attempting to break them but to no avail.

 My eyes met Blake's while they continued to tase her, the cat faunus gritting her teeth before shifting her arm to her tentacle form. She grabbed one of the guards before slamming them into the door, a 'ding' sound coming from the control pad. I'm confused at first watching the door slide open until I hear the other cells clicking open. Surprisingly none of the other guards paid it any attention, rushing forward in an attempt to subdue Blake again. With my hearing I could hear the shuffling of feet and growling as the others come out of their cells, and I can only assume their dark red eyes were set on the guards that had their backs turned to them. The only warning they got was an anguish scream before the newly turned pounced on them. Multiple guards cry out as they sink their fangs into their skin, the others dashing forward and throwing the others off Blake and Sienna.

One of them runs up to my cell, the male grabbing the bars before forcibly bending them open. Pyrrha slides in after him, the two quickly moving to get rid of my restraints. By now I was able to at least steady myself on my feet and I quickly joined the fray. I immediately went to Sienna's aid who seemed to be having trouble regaining herself after being tased for so long. I rush towards her as a guard goes to strike her. 

"Move!" I snarl grabbing and shielding the tiger faunus from the hit.

I grunt when the blade pierces my weakened skin, easily drawing blood from it. The fucker didn't stay alive for long though, Pyrrha lunging forward and stabbing him right between the eyes. Upon seeing that the battle was no longer in their favor, Ozma and a few others ran like cowards, locking down the building leaving the other huntsmen trapped. It's not long until the few survivors are finished off. I stumbled when my legs shook underneath me, forcing me to stabilize myself on one knee. Pyrrha and Raven swiftly came to my aid, gently grabbing my arms and helping me back to my feet. 

"Thanks." I mutter as Winter began to work on the door. 

While one of the turned huntsmen went to help her, a loud roar echoes across the entire camp bringing a smirk to Raven's face. 

"Looks like our reinforcements arrived early."

Yandere!Salem x Fem!Dragon!Faunus!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now