Chapter 5

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"So what do you need for the cure?" I ask as we exited the theater.

"Well we'll need a new test subject, which means capturing a grimm huntsmen."

"That may be harder to do than say." Nighttra speaks catching up to us, "We haven't encountered any grimm huntsmen near the camp for a few weeks. Y/N encountered Yang and Raven a few days ago but she was out on a supply run."

"Perhaps we should start there. Some could still be in the area."

I nod, "I'll get a crew together in a few minutes. We'll meet you by the landing pads."

He nods and walks away. It doesn't take long for Nighttra and I to assemble a squad, it consisting of a few soldiers and trackers. We made sure to pack enough ammunition and bindings before meeting Ozma at the airship. A few of his people were joining us and quickly boarded the airship. I gave the pilot the coordinates before joining the others in the back of the airship, all of us preparing ourselves for the challenge to come.

Sienna POV

We crouched as their airship landed, keeping an eye on them as they left the ship.

"We can strike now." I state, "There are lower in numbers. We can take Nighttra and Y/N without too much trouble."

"Remember that Y/N is the focus on the mission." Raven huffs, "You can get your girlfriend later."

I send her a glare before turning her gaze back to the human group.

"So are we going for them, or no?" Yang asks, "Cause if so then we're going to lose them if we don't move now."

"We're going after them." I huff standing up, "I'll communicate with some of the grimm to stalk them then ambush them."

Raven and Yang follow, jumping down after me.

Your POV

"Let's make this quick." I sigh, leading the group back into the kingdom, "The longer we're here the more attention we'll get."

Everyone nods, the couple of trackers taking their place up front. It's not long before we find some grimm tracks, most of them being from the normal grimm types such as Beowolfs and Ursa. We still follow them and eventually find a pair of human looking ones.

Nighttra and the others keep an eye on our surroundings while we follow the tracks.

"Is it me or is it too quiet?" Nighttra whispers as we stop at the edge of the town square, "Shouldn't there be more grimm around?"

"Maybe we just got lucky." Another person answers, "Perhaps they made their way to the other side of the kingdom."

After seeing no signs of movement, I motion the group forward, entering the large, uncovered area cautiously. Just as we got about halfway someone jumped down in front of us causing us to abruptly stop. My eyes widened when I realized who it was.

"S-Sienna?" Nighttra speaks with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Hello darling~" The grimmified tiger faunus smirks, "It's been a while, Emerald and I miss you but don't fret we'll make up for our lost time."

I glare at the faunus moving in front of my friend protectively. Sienna seemed amused by this.

"You're not going to stop me from getting to her."

"I disagree."

"And we disagree with you."

Raven and Yang suddenly appear on either side of Sienna. They were followed by a few hordes of grimm, the monsters snarling and growling at us.

Yandere!Salem x Fem!Dragon!Faunus!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt