Chapter 11

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I don't say a word as I follow behind her. The guards looked at me skeptically as we passed but I ignored them. I'm surprised when instead of heading to the cells, she turned in the opposite direction. I stopped causing the guards to tense. 

"I thought you said they were in cells?"

Salem stops looking at me from over her shoulder, "They've been moved since then. They're still recuperating but in their lovers' rooms."

She motions for me to return to her side, but I hesitate putting the guards around us on alert. One of them eyes me down, their hand resting on their weapon. I glare at him, daring him to move and try me. The grimm queen notices and turns to me, her red eyes finding mine once more. 

"Do you not trust me?" She asks finally making me move from my spot.

"That's not it." I answer returning to her side, "I'm just distracted by thoughts at the moment."

Salem hums and begins to walk again. We continue down the hallway in silence, my thoughts once again returning to me. I did not wish to help Salem find Ozma but I have little to no choice. My people are my gone and my best friends are now grimm huntsmen. What is left for me to fight for? What's the point when Salem's revealed that she still has feelings for me? Why not just side with her and live happily? Oh wait that's right-I'd be condemning the rest of the world to gods know what. It would be selfish of me to simply abandon them and leave them in Salem's judgement. I'm drawn out of my thoughts as Salem knocks on a door, it opening a few seconds later. I force myself to show no emotion as a grimmified Emerald opens the door. 

"My Queen! What are you doing here?"

"Y/N wished to see her friend Nighttra. I do hope you girls don't mind the sudden intrusion." Salem states making her way past the girl.

"O-Of course not!"

Emerald shuts the door behind me, my eyes immediately falling to the bed that my friend was in. Sienna and Cinder were seated on either side of her, their attention not even moving to us. 

"How is her progress?" Salem asks managing to grab their attention. 

"The venom is still fighting the cure." Cinder huffs as Sienna tucks a strand of hair behind Nighttra's ear, "Despite us injecting her multiple times it's becoming bothersome."

Salem and I approach, her going to Cinder's side while I stood at the end of the bed. My friend looked worse from the last time I saw her. More of her skin was a pale white and most of her veins were now black. However, some parts of her were still human. I observe her unconscious form with worry, her chest rising with difficulty as her breathes come out in wheezes. 

"That's not normal, is it?" I ask keeping my eyes on her, "The wheezing? She's suffering, isn't she?"

"She is." Salem responds while the three lovers looked at Nighttra in worry, "Although that is strictly because of Ozma's cure. Had she not been injected with it her pain would've been over some time ago."

"Is there anything we can do? You all stated that you've injected venom into her right?" Cinder responds with a nod, and I continue, "But that just seems to make her condition worse. The venom and the cure will just be in a never-ending battle."

"Then what do you suggest?" Sienna asks grabbing Nighttra's hand. 

"We remove the cure."

"And how will we do that? We can't remove it without possibly causing harm to ourselves."

"Well the grimm venom essentially kills the person right? And then brings them back to life?"

"In simple terms yes." Salem answers looking at me curiously, "What is your thoughts wandering to?"

"I hate to say this but she's my friend and she's suffering. If the venom will revive her why don't we just..kill her."

"Absolutely not!" Sienna hisses placing her clawed hand on Nighttra's chest as she glared at me.

"I agree with Sienna. That won't be happening. Besides if what Ozma said is true about the cure, she could suffer more complications." Cinder replies keeping her gaze on the unconscious girl.

I reply with a nod, respecting their decision. I turn to Salem silently communicating that we should leave. She nods and we swiftly left the room. We both remain silent as we made our way to Robyn and Winter's room. I mean Ozma should have a way to remove the cure right? Maybe if Salem let's me I can find him and get an answer. After a few minutes I catch up to Salem's side, making sure to keep my voice low.

"Perhaps if I can track down Ozma-"

Suddenly she stops and then before I could even process her movement I was pinned to the wall, my wings flaying out as I hit the solid surface.

"No." Salem speaks her hand tightening on my chin, "I will not let you go back to him."

"Salem, my love," I speak knowing the phrase would have an effect, "I would not stay with him."

"Are you saying that because you mean it?" She growls her eyes shooting to mine, "Or are you saying that to lie to me?"

"I am saying that because I mean it." I growl back, "By finding Ozma you can also end this. His cure, his futile attempt at restoring humanity, it can all end."

"But you are supporting his mission are you not?"

"No longer." I half lie, "I overcame the fear that tied me to his mission. He fueled the fear that made me side with him."

"And what was this fear?"

"You." I mutter causing her eyes to widen, "But yet the thoughts both Ozma and I stirred have been shown false."

"What thoughts?"

"Thoughts of you turning me."

A silence over comes us and for some reason I feel ashamed, turning my head away from her. Her grip on me loosens allowing me to move off the wall. Her cold hands cup my cheeks gently turning my face back to her.

"Never Y/N." She responds staring into my eyes, her eyes holding a look of sadness, "I'd never do that unless it was to save your life."

"Thank you." I whisper grabbing her hand and placing a kiss to the back of it.

Salem only nods moving away and allows us to continue down the hallway.

Yandere!Salem x Fem!Dragon!Faunus!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now