Chapter 1

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Your POV

"Everyone stay close." I whisper to my small group as we finish gathering the supplies.

They nod and I keep an eye out for any grimm, or worse any grimm huntsmen/huntresses. You see it wasn't always like this. After team RWBY's message about Salem instead of uniting, the other kingdoms tried to preserve themselves and their people. By the time they finally decided to try and fight her together, Salem had already won. Especially when a grimmified team RWBY and JNPR entered the fight on her behalf. It didn't take long for more to follow and soon they were overrun. Now the surviving people live in encampments like mine, doing their best to survive.

My wings flutter when I hear a low growl, my body tensing while my eyes surveyed the dark. My eyes dart over to a pair of red staring back at me, a few more pairs appearing behind it. My squad tenses, their grips tightening on their weapons as the pack of Beowolfs stalk towards us. The grimm snarl as they pick on their fear, rushing towards us.

"Quick get the supplies on the airship! I'll hold them off!" I command them readying my chain blades.

They nod quickly starting on the task. I throw my chain blades forward, sinking them into one of the grimm and propelling myself forward. It cries out in pain when I knee it in the chest, ripping my blades out and slashing its neck. I leap off its body as the others rush me, my blades easily taking care of the pack. Although it doesn't take long for more grimm to follow, this time alpha Beowolfs and Ursa join the fray, being drawn to the negative emotions of my squad. The battle was rather easy however, the grimm falling one by one to me. Well that was until their reinforcements arrived.


My eyes widen when Yang appears, a wicked smirk on her face. She stares down at my group while her mother appears beside her with an unamused look on her face. Her red eyes narrowed as my group paused, their fear tripling tenfold at the turned huntresses. Yang licks her lips crouching down before launching herself towards my friends. I intercept her knocking her back with a swift kick to her side. My group quickly gets back to their task, loading the last few boxes while more grimm closed in. Raven tried to go past but I threw one of my blades at her, forcing her to dodge and cutting her off.

The older woman snarls at me, withdrawing Omen from its sheath. Yang joins her mother's side, the two once again staring me down. My eyes dart between them while I allow some slack on my chains knowing that I'll need it. Sure enough Yang propels herself forward again, reaching out for me. I tsk, dodging and landing another kick to her stomach. I don't have much time to react as her mother follows her attack, barely giving me time to block Omen with my blades. She was much stronger than I expected, pressing down hard enough for my arms to shake while I tried to keep her blade from hitting me.

I glare up at her with a snarl, one of my feet hooking with her leg and tripping her. I then elbow her in the stomach, her body slamming down into the concrete, the material cracking under the pressure. I raise my blades above my head planning to finish her off when I'm tackled from behind. Yang's hand and arm expands, the black liquid causing it to become abnormally large. I try to punch her, but the weight of the hand keeps me down.

"Ooh you're a pretty one~" The blonde's smirk returns, her large hand keeping me in place while I struggle.

"Focus Yang." Her mother states glaring at the two of us as she goes after my men.

Yang huffs, some of the black liquid on her arm surrounding me and keeping me in place on the floor. She moves off of me watching my struggling with amusement.

"Don't worry I'll be back after I deal with your friends." She winks at me before running off to help Raven.

I watch as they attack my group, my people desperately trying to keep up with their offense. I snarl, shutting my eyes and forcing myself to focus. I began to increase my body temperature, close to nothing could match the intensity and heat of my dragon fire. My breathing soon becomes panting, steam escaping my lips with every opening. The black liquid bubbles and evaporates around me, my angry gaze setting on the two as I stand.

I charge forward with a yell grabbing the two's attention just in time for me to punch Yang into Raven. The two go flying crashing into multiple walls. One of my fellow members called out to me, motioning for me to join the others on the airship. I swiftly do so, the ship taking off and getting out of range just in time as Yang and Raven to recover. The two family members do nothing but watch while we escape.

I make my way over to a seat, plopping myself down while my adrenaline wears off. My small squad avoids me as I decrease my body temperature, steam rolling off my shoulders and back while it does so. I watch as the others log the newly required resources so it would be easier to unload the supplies later. I sigh leaning against the cool metal staring up at the ceiling. After about ten minutes one of them announced we were approaching the compound. I get up from my seat as we land, the doors opening to reveal our small walled camp.

My people greet my group as the ship doors open, the metal barrier swiftly closing behind us after we wheeled out the supplies. The crowd was quick to help us, unloading the crates and moving them to their respective places. As I helped me second in command, Robyn, approached me.

"No injuries?"

"No thankfully. We got quite lucky." I respond moving a box of ammunition, "We ran into Yang and Raven while we were out, but we made a quick escape."

The blonde nods helping me move a few more boxes, "Some of the people were saying that your skin was smoking."

"I had to use some of my dragon genetics in the fight. I wasn't going to let the two huntresses get to them."

Robyn smiles, placing a hand on my shoulder, "The people's faith, trust, and respect for you continues to grow. You've become a fine leader."

My mouth flattens into a line, a nod being the only response she got in return. We both focus back on the task at hand, helping the others log the resources. After about an hour we had everything unloaded and accounted for, the crowd swiftly making its way towards our mess hall as a cook announced that dinner was ready.

Yandere!Salem x Fem!Dragon!Faunus!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now