Grief (Chan)

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This is a story I wrote in school ages ago and it's abit weird (Not what happens just how it's written) so just yeah.... 

*TW* spreading of ashes and panic attack

The door to your bedroom creaked open slowly and a figure then appeared. "Hey" It wasn't a voice you heard every day so at first it started you. "Chan!" You shout once you realized who it was. Jumping out your bed to go hug him. Tears form in your eyes as you haven't seen him in a while. He gave you a really tight hug and didn't let go until you did. "Hi nice to see you!" he says looking down at you once you break the hug. You looked puzzled and asked "What you doing home? I'm happy your back but like why all of the sudden?". "Oh yeah forgot to tell you didn't I. Me and the boys have all come over as they wanted to meet you and see mum and dad if I'm honest. Also just allowing me and Felix to see family again." He says pulling you in for another hug before hearing a loud crash. "Well uh do you want to come and meet everyone? They're downstairs and now I'm worried with what they're doing" Chan says laughing slightly worried. You nod in agreement before heading for the door.

The members where all downstairs in the living room. Han and Lee Know where looking into the garden. I.n and Seungmin where playing with Berry. Changbin, Hyunjin and Han where looking around at all the pictures hanging up. No one noticed that you where there until "Berry come here girl." And everyone turned to look at you. You picked up Berry and started to give her cuddles before putting her down to greet everyone. "So this is my sister y/n. Be nice to her please I know what you can all be like." Chan says laughing under his breath. Each member came up to you and introduced themselves and gave you a hug. Felix was the one member that you had spoken to before on multiple occasions when on call with Chan so it felt really good meeting him finally. "Hi. Nice to meet you all. Uh I don't know what your plans are but I was about to go on a walk and then find something to eat." You say directing it to Chan. He looks around at all the members almost to ask what they want to do. Hyunjin, Seungmin and I.n seemed like they wanted to go on a walk where everyone else was okay with doing whatever. "Do you mind if we tag along for your walk then?" Chan asks you as you nod your head to say yes. "I just need to go grab something really quick then we can head out" You say heading up the stairs to grab something.

Chan and Felix where walking next to you as the rest of the boys trailed behind. Hyunjin, I.n and Seungmin where all taking pictures at every possible moment they could. Whilst everyone else where just enjoying the view and the walk. "I've never known about this walk sis how did you find it? Its so pretty." Chan asks turning around to see all the other members trailing behind. "Oh I just went on a walk one day and found it. I come here every time I'm upset or don't feel great mentally." You say as you get to a clear opening to sit at. Everyone collapses on the floor. "This is such a nice place y/n" Hyunjin says snapping a few more photos of the view. "Why did you want to come up here today?" Felix asks looking slightly confused. "You said you come up here when your sad or don't feel great mentally so is something wrong?". You don't say anything for a minute, "Uh well. I don't know if you would all know this apart from Chan so this may be a shock. I wanted to come here to spread my dad's ashes. I found this place once I moved here and was having a hard time dealing with his death so I want to spread part of him here.". Tears form in your eyes straight away as you look at all the members who are just in shock. Chan takes your hand to help you. You pull out the container with the ashes in and walk over to where you wanted to spread them. Not letting go of Chans hand. "Please do it with me." You whisper leading Chan to where you wanted to do it away from the member slightly. Chan puts an arm around you as you do it and begin to cry. He stays by your side in silence letting you just take in the moment. You hug him tightly once you had finished as you felt almost weak in your legs as if you were about to collapse. "Hey it's okay. I'm proud of you for doing that" Chan whispers stroking your back hoping to calm you down slightly. You let go after about five minutes and wipe away the tears from your face before heading back to the boys.

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