Stage accident (All members)

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Hey so I wrote this one ages ago on a word document so I'm sorry if it's really cringe or anything. I'm pretty sure it's all members but I think it is mostly Chan, Lee Know and Changbin mentioned. Hope you enjoy none the less. Gem

"Hey what's wrong with you?" Chan says lifting your head and turning it to face you as tears roll down your cheeks. He starts to wipe your tears away softly from your cheeks. You can't make eye contact with him, but you look in his direction. There wasn't any words to describe how you felt and you wouldn't know how to anyway, so you stayed silent. As you weren't talking Chan pulls you into a big hug to try and help you feel any better or just to help you calm down slightly. He had never seen you this upset before, so he was very surprised to see you so worked up. Normally you try to hide your emotions from Chan as you didn't want to worry him. He has enough stress as it is he doesn't need to worry about me on top of all that, you would tell yourself constantly. Chan doesn't let you leave the hug but you manage to stutter some words out, "I don't know really. Just came on suddenly". In reality you knew why you was crying. You think Chan could tell that you was slightly lying to him. He pulls you off of him slightly so that your sat facing him. "Y/n you telling me the truth? Do you actually know why you just burst into tears all of the sudden?" He asks you looking pretty serious at this point. At this point you didn't know whether to keep going with the lie or tell him the truth. "I genuinely don't know Chan" Well it was the lie clearly. You give him a little smile as you had calmed down so you weren't crying as much/at all anymore. He smiles back at you but clearly doesn't believe that one your okay and two that you don't know why you just started crying. He sighs then says, "okay as long as your okay now. I think we should head back to the members they'll want to know if your okay." as he stands up holding out his hand for you to grab to get yourself up. You give him a side hug before leaving the room to go back to the members.

You walked into the dressing room and it looked like non of the members had moved. Seungmin was still sat on Changbin trying to annoy him which wasn't working as Changbin has a good tolerance for Seungmin. Lee Know and Han sat next to each other almost looking like a proper couple huddled together. Felix, Hyunjin and I.N all sat in make-up chairs, not getting their make-up done, playing games on their phone. That is the boys for you though. They will only move when they really have to and even then still they will complain about having to move. Felix was the first member to notice that you and Chan where back. He put his phone down and basically ran to you to give you a hug. It was the tightest hug you've received from Felix. The other members one by one all come up and give you a hug by themselves then doing a full group hug together. "You okay Y/n? You scared us with how you just started crying randomly. We thought we offended you or something." Felix says looking at you and Chan back and forth waiting for an answer. You see I.N and Han nodding in agreement to what Felix was saying. The boys really care about you and they see you as a younger sibling that they've gotten extremely close to very quickly. "I'm okay don't worry. You guys haven't offended me I don't think you ever could. I just had the sudden urge to cry I couldn't help it. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you all." You say going to sit down. The boys all go back to where they were before hand and carried on almost like nothing happened. Which you liked you didn't like having a lot of attention on you for long periods of time. Bang Chan obviously kept a eye on you just incase.

As the boys where performing on the award show you was watching from backstage hyping them up from your seat in the dressing room. All of the staff where watching with you as well and it was such a nice environment to be in. You wasn't performing until later with the boys so you was able to chill until you had to get ready with the boys. You chilled just watching the show until you shad to start to get your hair and makeup done. At this point the boys had come back to get ready to perform with you. "You guys where amazing well done. I need to go get changed ill be back in five. Well done again!" You practically shout to the members as you run out the room in a hurry to get changed into your costume. The costume was pretty simply with it being black based with some red sparkle elements and a very flowy skirt that came to your mid-thigh. You was obsessed with it! As you walk back to the dressing room you suddenly all get called up to the stage. It seemed like the show was running ahead of schedule. You see all the members leg it out of the dressing room and you sprint to the stage as well. You was the one to start the whole performance so it was vital that you got the stage quickly. You overtook all the members legging it to the stage and make it just in time for your starting position.

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