Rude Fan (Chan)

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TW- Assault.

Do u ever have that feeling that you're not doing good enough compared to everyone else?

Well, I've been feeling like that for the past month or so. Ever since our Oddinary album came out, someone on social media has been criticising everything about me. What I wear in the music videos, my singing, my stage presence, my dancing. It's like everything I do is never good enough. JYP is well aware of what's been going on, but he’s not done anything about it yet since the person hasn't done anything drastically wrong.

I'm not gonna lie, I've been pretty down ever since this person started saying everything, and Chan and the boys have done everything they can to cheer me up. I'm so grateful to have them around me.

Today, we're doing a fan meet to celebrate the Oddinary album. I think it’ll be a nice distraction from everything that's been going on recently. I sat on a sofa with Felix waiting to go out and start the fan meet. I'm wearing a simple light green shirt with a green and brown skirt with tights, black boots and a black leather jacket. My hair was simply styled, and my makeup was left natural.

"So how we all feeling about today then?" Chan asked as he finished getting last-minute adjustments to his hair."Pretty good. It'll be nice to meet STAY in person. " I smiled as I looked up from my phone."Has that idiot said anything else?" Changbin asked. I sighed as i put my phone down. "I mean, since Yesterday no," I replied. "What did they say yesterday?" Hyunjin asked as he sat next to Felix "That I'm a burden to the group and that we won't go anywhere if I'm still here" I replied as I lent back into Felix's body "Don't think that darling" I.N smiled "Yeah. You're an essential part of the group. We wouldn't be who we are without you, " Seungmin added."Thanks, guys," I replied as Felix gave me a hug.

About 1 hour later, it was time to start the fan meet. All the boys filed out of the room before Chan pulled me back. "Are u sure you're OK to do this? STAY would understand if you can't, " he asked."I'm sure I'm OK, Channie. This will take my mind off of it anyway. " I smiled as I grabbed his hand."Come on. STAY are waiting for us. " he smiled as we left our dressing room and made our way to the stage.

"Time for the fan meet! Please welcome to the stage, Stray Kids!" The voice over the speakers said as we walked out to the stage. A long table was there as well as chairs for each of us. I looked and saw Stay cheering and waiting to come and see us. I smiled as we all walked further out. We done our greeting and chan had a mic "Hey Guys! Welcome to the fan meet. We can't wait to see you guys up close in person. " chan smiled as everyone cheered.

The speakers spoke about the basic rules of the fan meet as we took our seats. I was sat in between I.N and Chan. Hyunjin was at the start of the line, and Jisung was at the end of it. Changbin and Lee Know were in between Hyunjin and Chan, and Felix and Seungmin in between Jisung and I.N

When the first person came to me, I gave her a big smile as she handed me her album so I could sign it. "What's your name, sweetheart?" I smiled at her "Lily" she replied."It's very nice to meet you, Lily! I love your hair!" I smiled as I pointed to her hair. It was blonde with streaks of Blue and Black "Oh thank you! I was heavily inspired by you, actually. Your style in NoEasy era inspired me to do it, " she explained as I drew a little heart next to my signature."That's so sweet. I'm glad I could inspire such an incredible hairstyle. " I smiled as I passed her the album back."So nice to meet you, Y/N!" She smiled as she got up to move on to I.N. "You too!" I gave her a wave as she moved on.

What followed were more sweet and lovely interactions with STAY. Some had gifts for me, such as jewellery and cuddly toys, and some just thanked me for everything I've done for them. I never realised how much an impact I would have on people's lives.

I waved off the boy I was talking to as I waited for the next person to come to me.

When she sat down, she didn’t smile at all. She just held her album tightly as she scowled at me. "What's your name?" I smiled at her. I need to at least be nice "Milly" she replied "Well it's nice to meet you. Would you like me to sign your album for you?" I asked her."Definitely not. I'm not having the biggest disgrace in Kpop sign my album" she spat "I'm sorry?" My smile faltered as I stared at her. "You heard me. You should have never been added to this group. I don’t know how chan thought it was a good idea, adding you to Stray Kids. You have no talent. You're not pretty, not to mention you're bringing this entire group down, " she said."You... you're... you're that person who’s been saying all that stuff online about me for the past month. " I stared in shock at them."Indeed I am. Let's face it, it's all true" she smiled, a look of evil behind her eyes "I'm sorry you think that way about me, but I know there's people out there who enjoy watching me perform" I replied as I tried to remain calm. What happened next absolutely shocked me.

She stood up and harshly slapped me across the cheek. I screamed out in pain as the other members looked at me in shock as well as the Stay's they were talking to. Chan was instantly right by my side on the floor as he held me carefully. The security had already detained the girl and were escorting her out of the venue. Our manager instantly came out and ran over to us. "Changbin, can you take her back to your dressing room?" My manager asked him. Changbin wasted no time in picking me up bridal style and carrying me back, the members following. The fan meet was cancelled, and everyone was told to go back to their seats. We are supposed to have a performance of Maniac after this.

When we got back to the dressing room, Changbin placed me on the sofa as Chan kneeled in front of me as the other members stayed close. "Are you ok, darling?" Chan asked as he put a hand on my knee."I think so, my cheek hurts a bit, but I'll be alright, " I replied."Why did they even do that?" Minho asked."That was the person who’s been saying all that stuff online about me for the past month, " I explained."Oh my god... why did they even come here? " Felix said."Well, I think they like you boys, just not me. They called me the biggest disgrace in Kpop. They said I'm bringing this entire group down" I had tears in my eyes as I laid back on the sofa "Oh darling" chan got off the floor and gave me a hug as I cried into his shoulder "You are anything but a disgrace honey" Jisung said "Absolutely. I knew exactly what I was doing when I chose you. You are one of the most talented people I've ever met. I don’t know what I'd do without you y/n. " chan had tears in his eyes as he looked at me."Oh Channie, " I smiled at me as he hugged me tight. The other boys joined in the hug, and we just stayed there like that for what felt like ages.

Our manager came over to us as we released from the hug. "Are you ok Y/N?" He asked as he knelt in front of me."I'm alright. Cheek stings a bit, but I'll be alright. " I smiled."Glad to hear it. Do u think you'll be able to perform?" He asked."I think I can. A slap isn't gonna stop me, " I replied."That's great. Just come out when you guys are ready, " he replied as he got up and left the room

"Are you sure you can perform Y/N?" Hyunjin asked "Jinnie I'll be alright. I promise. " I gave him a smile as I went to change my outfit for the performance. While my skirt is cute, I definitely can't dance in it. I changed into some black leather pants and a dark green top.

Once I came out, the boys were all on their phones waiting to go, "You boys ready to go?" I smiled as they looked up at me."Woah. You look great, Y/N!" Felix smiled."Easy there, Felix, that's my girlfriend you're talking to, " chan laughed as he walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss. "Come on, guys! Let's go!" I smiled as I grabbed chan's hand as we walked out towards the stage.

The lights were dimmed as we walked out and got into our positions to start the song "Now with their hit song Maniac, please welcome Stray Kids!" The speakers announced as the lights came on, STAY cheering as we waited for the music to start.

I was completely in my element as we danced. I wasn't going to let some rude fan ruin this moment for me. I was going to enjoy these moments with my family.


Hope you guys liked this one. Make sure to request if you have ideas :)

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