Sick with cold/cough (Han)

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*TW SICK* Other members will be mentioned in this story but its mostly going to be Han based.

(No ones pov)

It was around 3am and Han woke up to the sound of you coughing a lot. You hadn't been coughing in the day so it was strange that you where coughing now. Hoping that you had just swallowed water wrong and started to choke slightly so he tired to ignore it and sleep. After five minutes he could hear you coughing again pretty violently. You would stop for a second before starting again so he started to become worried. After you hadn't stopped coughing for a while he decided to come check on you.

(Han's pov)

I went to y/n's room as her coughing was starting to worry me as it was pretty violent. I just peaked round her door and noticed her curdled up just coughing. Not being to tell if she was asleep or not I just went and sat on the edge of her bed with her. As she noticed I was there she rolled over to face me. She didn't look good and she didn't say anything. I felt her forehead which ended up being really hot. It was clear she had come down with a fever and was exhausted from coughing a lot. I went to go grab her some water and medicine to try and help her be able to sleep slightly and a thermometer to check what her temperature actually was. "Hey I've got some medicine and water for you. Can you open your mouth slightly so I can take your temperature?" I ask as I place the water and medicine down and get the thermometer ready. She opened her mouth ever so slightly but was so tired she couldn't keep it open long enough for me to get the thermometer in. I held her mouth slightly open as I put the thermometer under her tongue before letting her shut it as it took her temperature. I just stroked her hair as I waited for it to beep. The thermometer just confirmed that she had a fever. "Hey you've got a fever so take some medicine to help. Sit up slightly though." I say helping her sit up to have the medicine. Her body was weak and once she sat up she just started to cough even more again. She would grab onto her chest in pain from how much she was coughing. I helped her take the medicine by putting the tablet in her mouth and helping her drink water. Once she had taken it I helped her to lye back down hoping she could sleep a little now.Just as I was about to leave she grabbed onto my wrist and said, "Please stay" I couldn't say no so I gave her a smile and got into her bed next to her. I made sure she was wrapped up in the blanket so she wouldn't get cold. She rested her head onto my chest as she tried to sleep with the occasional cough. I rubbed her back until I knew she was definitely asleep as her breathing became steady and quieter.

(Y/n's pov)

I had managed to sleep for a while since Han came in and helped. It was 8am when I woke up. Han was still with me as he just scrolled through his phone. I still felt weak so I didn't move until he noticed I had woken up.

(No ones pov)

It took Han a good 30 minutes to notice that you had woken up. He felt your forehead again which was still hot. "Your still burning up. Let me go and grab some more water for you and medicine to try and help." He says shuffling out of the bed making sure you where comfortable before leaving you. It didn't take long till he came back with the water and medicine. He helped to sit you up and before giving you the medicine and water he took your temperature again which hadn't dropped from earlier. This was slightly worrying but with rest it would hopefully come down after a while. He helped you take the medicine again before helping you up to go get some breakfast.

(Han's pov)

I helped y/n down to the kitchen to get some breakfast although she wasn't feeling it. Chan was the only other person awake and in the kitchen which was good. I didn't want all the members to be noisy around y/n. As she sat down Chan noticed how rough y/n looked due to her paleness. She had also started to cough pretty violently again. Noticing Chan looking towards her I speak up, "She's got a fever and has been up coughing a lot last night. Gave her medication last night and just now to try and help. Just going to make sure she eats before sending her back to bed to rest." as Chan goes and feel y/n's forehead. "Okay I'll let the staff know she won't be at the rehearsal today due to being ill. Han you'll still have to come no one else can stay off though so we'll just have to have it that if she needs help she can call you and you leave to check on her." Chan says leaving the room to make the phone call. It wasn't what I hoped for I was hoping to stay off to keep an eye on y/n but I guess it is more important that I'm in rehearsals. I help y/n have some cereal before she was adamant that she couldn't eat anymore. After I washed up the bowl I helped her back to bed and tucked her in. Just before I had to leave I made sure she had water and medicine next to her to have. She was asleep as we left to go to rehearsals.

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