Dad Passing (All Members)

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Important notice:

In this story Y/n is 18 years old and when you where 14 your dad passed away from cancer. You where 13 when he got diagnosed so you had one year with him. Stray kids didn't know that you had gone through this but they find out on the 4 year anniversary of his passing. Also it is mostly Chan, Felix and Lee Know mentioned in this story but the rest of the members are there jusy won't be mentioned by name.(This story is true to me I lost my dad to cancer at 14 so this is true to me. Gem)

(Y/n pov)

I didn't want to wake up today. Spending the whole night tossing and turning trying to fall asleep but it wouldn't work. My head was spinning and I couldn't stop thinking about dad and how much I missed him. The memories going round my head weren't ones I liked it was only memories of his last year with us. In the memories I don't see him as my dad I just see him as someone I don't know so the memories are hard to deal with. None of the members know what happened they just think I don't have a good relationship with my dad as I never talk about him and he never comes to shows. Whenever I struggled with grieving I would just hide away and not talk to anyone. I want to tell the members and I always have but it was difficult. Luckily we had the day off so lack of sleep wasn't that bad as we didn't have any plans.
Rolling over in bed I notice it was 7am and knowing I wouldn't sleep anymore even if I tried I would just get up. Getting up and distracting myself was better than being in bed having memories float round my head. Just go into the living room and watch tv with a drink sounded better than waking up Felix and Chan by accident by moving to much or crying.

(No ones pov)

You went into the kitchen and started to make a cup of tea to try and calm your mind and distract it. As you made it you saw the coffee pot which made you remember about your dad as he was a huge coffee drinker which made tears form in your eyes. You tried to just concentrate on making your tea before collapsing on the sofa to watch some random show you could find on the tv. It wasn't long till the boys started to stir it was like a chain reaction where once one woke up another would be up in the next five minutes. Before long everyone was awake and had collapsed on the sofa with breakfast. You where the only one who wasn't eating which was slightly concerning to the members but you would just say you ate before they all woke up.

(Bang Chan)

As we all sat round in the living room I could feel my phone start to vibrate in my side pocket. It was my dad calling. "I'll be back in a second my dads calling" I say excusing myself to take the call. My parents where in Korea and where around near our dorm and wanted to come see everyone and meet y/n. I was so excited and said yes having not seen my parents in a while and wanting y/n to meet them as well. As I ended the call with dad I entered the living room with a huge smile before announcing, "So everyone needs to be ready in the next thirty minutes. My parents are in town and want to come and see everyone. They'll be here in the next thirty minutes." before collecting my things from the coffee table. Everyone had seemed to get excited apart from y/n. I didn't want to ask what was wrong in front of everyone and just thought she might be tired so I just left her alone.

*Thirty minute time skip*

(No ones pov)

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and everyone rushed over to greet Chan's parents apart from you. Hanging back slightly you kept a distance. Meeting peoples parents always scared you. Having to meet Chan's dad on your dads death date didn't sit right with you either. Knowing you would have to see Chan enjoying the day with his dad and everyone else treating him like their dad just made you miss your dad more. As you went to greet them you tried to act as if nothing was wrong and seemed super excited and happy but deep down you just wanted to cry. As you hugged Chan's dad you tried to make it only last a second as it felt to uncomfortable but lingered in Chan's mum hug. Hoping you where hiding your emotions well everyone went and sat on the sofa to have a group catch up and to let Chan's parents get to know you a bit better after only ever speaking on the phone. During the conversation you kept pretty quiet and only gave short answers when being asked a question.

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