First Concert (All members)

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*One week before the concert*

(Y/n's pov)

"Okay so one week till the concert how you feeling?" Chan asked taking me by surprise where he seemed to come out of no where. I just shrugged. Talking about it made me more anxious. I've never performed in front of Stay yet and it was scary. What if I was bad and they didn't like me. So many thoughts where going round my head that I couldn't shut up. Chan sat next to me, "Y/n? Is something bothering you? You can talk to me." he asked putting an arm around my shoulder. I stuttered out, "I'm just nervous. What if stay doesn't like me or I mess up." trying not to cry. "Y/n listen to me. Stay are going to love you! If you mess up they're going to understand. They know you suffer from anxiety so if you do a mistake they'll understand that it's nerves. You won't be alone you'll have all 8 of us with you and you'll enjoy it and forget all your nerves." Chan says pulling me into a tight hug and it helped my nerves calm down before a dance rehearsal.

*4 days before the concert*

(Hyunjin's pov)

Y/n had asked to do a extra dance practise today as she was worried with the upcoming concert. Personally I felt like she didn't need it as she's been doing amazing in rehearsal but if she felt like she needed it I'm not going to say no. We ran through the dances she was most worried about. It didn't take long but she still felt like she was bad so it took a while to make her believe me that she is really good. "Y/n I don't know why your so worried about the dances. Your doing amazing and you've picked them up quickly. Do you think you might be overthinking it a bit and worrying yourself?" I asked as we both packed up her things. She paused before hugging me, "Yeah your spot on. I'm just worried that I'll be really bad and disappoint stay and you guys. I know I shouldn't overthink it but I can't help it." she sounded so tired. I hugged her back before bending down to look her in the eyes. "Listen to me. You won't disappoint me or any member and especially stay. It's your first concert so what ever you bring out will be the best you can do and we all understand that you'll be nervous so if anything goes wrong it's understandable. Now lets go home and rest and we can cuddle all night so you relax slightly tonight." I say grabbing her hand and walking out the studio.

*Day before concert*

(Seungmin's pov)

I came into the studio to find y/n as she came in earlier for some reason and we wanted to go over the concert set list and rehearse before tomorrow. It took a good 10 minutes to find her. The singing was a dead give away of where she was. I knocked on the door and heard the music stop before she popped her head round the door "Yeah?". "We're going to go over the concert setlist and dances. Can you come?" I ask holding the door open as she grabs some things from the room. I noticed that something was off so I stopped her before we went to rehearse, "Y/n I can sense that your stressed and nervous so I want you to just take a breather okay before we go. Do you want to talk to me or someone else to get stuff off your chest?". Y/n just shakes her head taking some deep breaths before heading to the dance studio with me. "I'm okay just stressing out a bit more worried I won't do good and disappoint people. I know I shouldn't think like that but it's hard you know." She says letting out a sigh before heading into the room.

(Lee Know's pov)

Through out the dance practise I notice that y/n seems to be stressing over small mistakes. We got half way through the set list to where a break would be so I called a five minute break to talk to y/n. "Hey do you want to go over anything? You seem to be stressing over small mistakes so if I can take the stress away slightly I'll run though it." I ask which receives a nod off of Y/n. It doesn't take long to go through the sections she wants to and she seems to destress ever so slightly. We carry on the rehearsal after. Once we got through the full setlist Y/n pulls me aside, "Can we go through a few sections from the last half?" having ask for help made me happy and I agreed and went through the sections slowly with her. Again it didn't take long as there wasn't much to fix. "I think we're all done unless there's anything else. Thanks for asking for the help though Y/n and not worrying by yourself. If you feel stressed about the dances at any point come to me, Felix or Hyunjin and we'll help or just to talk about what's stressing you out in general. Your going to love the concert trust me and we'll do amazing as a team for stay. I believe in you!" I say as we pack up our stuff which received a smile off of Y/n who seemed less stressed but I knew deep down she was still really stressed.

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