Exhuasted (all memebers)

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Old one for ya (written back in July 2023) hope you enjoy it Gem:)

It was two hours into the rehearsal and you started to feel more and more tired slowly. The boys still had a lot of energy and where still being loud as always. After this rehearsal you all had a interview to do as well so the energy had to be maintained for that. The rehearsal felt like it was going on and on. You all started early at 8am due to this interview happening which obviously cuts down the rehearsal time. Except this morning you woke up feeling pretty sick and very tired. During the night you felt as though you couldn't sleep due to a feeling of just wanting and needing to throw up. None of the boy knew that you felt like this as you hate worrying them about you when there's no need to. This rehearsal wasn't helping you and you slowly felt more faint. Lee Know speaks up "Can we do one last run through full out as well." And everyone agrees apart from you. You really hesitantly say yes before getting into position. It wasn't even a minute into the full out run through where you lost your balance with feeling so dizzy. "Hey y/n you okay? Wait guys everyone stop!" Chan shouts over the music and the sound of everyone's shoes on the floor. You had wobbled into him by accident. "I'm okay just got a little lightheaded that's all. Don't worry." You try to shrug it off but Chan wasn't going to take that as an answer obviously. Everyone starts to come over to check on what's happening. "No y/n your not okay your pale and almost just passed out. You need to sit down and have some water. Lee Know can you go grab some water please." Chan says grabbing your arm to take you to sit down. Felix grabs ahold of your other arm to help you walk as Lee Know goes to grab you some water. As your walking to sit down you stumble slightly with feeling lightheaded again. This time you felt closer to you actually passing out. Luckily the boys had your arms as you would have fallen face first to the fall if it wasn't for them holding onto you. Lee Know comes back with the water as you sit down. You take the water off of him and drink it slowly. "Why didn't you tell someone that you didn't feel good? You shouldn't have been dancing if you felt sick or anything." Changbin asks almost sounding like he's angry with you but he was just protective over you that's all. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to worry anyone or let you down that's all. I know I should have told someone but I just didn't want to admit that something was wrong okay." You say not making any eye contact at all with anyone. Felix was sat beside you stroking your back to help you feel a bit better. Everyone else was just standing around. It was clear that no one wanted to rehearse any longer before the group interview. Chan stands up and says "Okay so we're not going to rehearse anymore so we can just get ready for the interview. If we all just get changed and get our hair and makeup done so that we're ready that'll be the best thing to do." Before holding his hand out to you to help you get up. Everyone agrees and leaves the room to change as Chan helps you up slowly so you wouldn't pass out and go change. 

After about five minutes everyone regroups in the room to get seated for the interview. You still didn't feel one hundred percent okay but you had to push through how you where feeling for this interview. Chan keeps an eye on you as you help every set up but doesn't say anything to you as you seemed to be okay for now. "Okay so if we have it go Lee Know, y/n, Chan, Felix and I.N at the back and then the rest of you at the front for how your sat I think that will look the best." A staff member says once all the chairs are set up in the right way. Everyone goes to sit down in the order you all have been told. Chan was glad to be sat next to you so that he could keep a close eye on you incase anything happens. The staff continue setting up the camera and the computer for the interview as you all just waited for it to start. Nerves started to kick in for you. The feeling of almost passing out is still there and then knowing you have to do a interview where your not fully comfortable isn't ideal. Although you have to push through and pretend everything is okay. Not even two minutes later the interview starts. Luckily the interview isn't directing questions to everyone its just open ended anyone can answer type questions. You stay pretty quiet throughout the whole interview adding a few comments here and there but mostly you just stay silent. You where more focused on not passing out than answering questions. Lee Know keeps a hand on your leg as it had started to bounce with the anxiety with the interview and how you where feeling. He keeps his hand there until the end of the interview which by that point Chan had noticed something wasn't right to. "y/n you okay? You seem to have gone very pale again." Chan asks once the interview was over and the staff had turned the cameras off and started packing up. You stuttered out, "No I feel horrific. The room feels like its spinning" before stumbling to your feet. Staff where trying to put the chairs away quickly so they where asking everyone to move. Lee Know and Chan grabbed your arms as you stumbled up. All the other members where helping the staff clear everything but kept looking over to check on you. "You need to sit down so lets go to my office so you can sit or lay down on the sofa." Chan says trying to help you walk. You manage to get out of the room before feeling really faint. "stop. I feel like..." You say before losing consciousness. Luckily the boys had you by the arms as you didn't hit the floor. Chan picked you up and carried you to his office and placed you down on the sofa. Lee Know went back to the members to let them know what was happening and to let Chan deal with the situation. 

"y/n! Hey wake up. Y/n!" Chan says shaking you slightly to try and wake you up before just waiting it out for you to wake up. After two minutes you wake up but as you do naturally you try to sit up. Chan stops you, "Hey no stay lying down. You passed out just stay lying down for now okay." As he feels your forehead to see if you had a fever. "Your slightly hot I think you might be coming down with a fever. Sit up slowly okay and have some water. Then we can just stay here until you feel better to go home." You nod to what Chan says before trying to sit up slightly with his help. He passes you a glass of water and you take a small sip due to not really feeling like having anything to drink. "I'm going to go check on the boys quickly okay. Just stay here okay don't need you passing out anywhere." Chan says before heading out the door to where the boys are. 

He was gone for maybe five minutes before coming back with Changbin and Felix. The boys came in as quietly as they thought you where asleep maybe due to how you where lying.  "Oh hi" You say startling the boys. You laugh slightly at their reaction as they looked like they just saw a ghost or something. "Y/n not funny!.... Okay maybe slightly funny. You must be feeling slightly better." Changbin jokes sitting at your feet on the sofa. Felix sits on the floor by your head as Chan sits at his desk. Chan gives you a slight smile as Felix gives you a small hug. You all sit in Chans office talking for a good hour before there's a knock at the door. "Hey its only us you know the rest of the band. We're all done with rehearsal so I don't know what you want to do now." Hyunjin says peering his head through the door. Chan, Felix and Changbin all start laughing at his comment. You stay silent. Chan looks over at you before saying "I think we should head home and have a rest. Just have a chill night in watching movies or something.". Everyone nods in agreement before Seungmin practically shouts "You all promised me we could watch Bambi next time we had a movie night so we're watching it tonight!". Everyone starts laughing before going to grab their stuff. Chan helps you get up slowly just to make sure you wouldn't pass out or have a really bad dizzy spell. 

Once everyone gets back to the dorm you all huddled on the sofa to watch the films.

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