𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫|| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

929 36 25

After giving Gwen a place to sleep and welcoming her into her home, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Gwen seemed like a good girl, and her funny and lighthearted nature made her instantly likable. Y/n admired her ability to keep her emotions and personal life guarded, understanding that everyone had their own reasons for being secretive.
As more people joined Spider Society, Y/n found herself spending more time with new spiderpeople. One member, in particular, stood out from the rest.
His name was Hobie Brown, a British spiderperson who had a unique style that matched his anarchic personality. Y/n had never met someone quite like him.
Hobie's suit, reminiscent of the traditional Spider-Man attire, red and blue, was adorned with scattered and chaotic patterns, reflecting his personality. His mask had streaks of black mascara and eyeliner, giving him an edgy appearance. The mohawk of metal spikes protruding from his mask. He topped off his ensemble with a blue crop top t-shirt and a black leather vest covered in patches and pins.
In contrast to his eccentric appearance, Hobie turned out to be rather outgoing and sociable. He quickly became friends with Gwen after joining the Spider Society.
Y/n often found herself drawn to his talent as a musician, a trait that he incorporated into his art pieces. Hobie had a unique perspective on heroism; he saw it as self-mythologizing and narcissistic, something that set him apart from the traditional hero archetype.
Meanwhile Gwen introduced another Spider Person, Pavitr Prabhakar. He is an optimistic youth, shown to have fun being Spider-Man for the six months he has had his powers.
The first coversation they had was really nice, till Y/n did something wrong. In fact Pavitr goy annoyed and slightly offended when others don't speak Indian terms properly.
When Y/n discovered he was indian, she immediately said <<Oh it's so nice! I love your culture, your languange and your food as well. I would truly love to taste some real Chai Tea here.>>.
Y/n didn't knew well the indian terms, when she referred to "chai" as "chai tea" since chai means tea hence chai tea would translate to "tea tea".
<<Chai tea? Chai means "tea"! You are saying "tea tea"! You love our culture but you don't know that "chai" means "tea"!?>>.
He got so offended that she hadto apologize so many times to him to forgive her.
Never doing that mistake ever again.

Eventually, Gwen found some place to sleep at Hobie's. Now, Y/n had to return home alone.
As the day wound down, Y/n made her rounds to bid the other spider people goodbye.
<<Take care, Y/n,>> Gwen said with a warm smile.
Hobie, his thick British accent cutting through the air, added <<See ya tomorrow, luv. Don't work too hard in your world.>>. Pav nodded in agreement and waved with a smiley face.
However, as she headed towards her familiar hexagonal orange portal that would lead her back to her world, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.
Miguel, usually composed and busy, appeared visibly preoccupied. He was meticulously inspecting everyone's work, a behavior usual of him. But the fact he was worried, waz out of character for him.
When Y/n mentioned her departure, Miguel's demeanor shifted. He immediately turned his head towards her and asked <<Where are you going?" he asked sharply, his intense gaze focused on her.
<<Home.>> Y/n responded, puzzled by his sudden interest <<I've completed all my tasks for the day.>>
Miguel nodded quickly and then briskly walked away, leaving Y/n with a perplexed expression. So were Gwen and Pav, looking at each other confused. Hobie, with his signature sarcasm, muttered in his thick accent, <<Someone's hiding something here.>> casting a meaningful glance in Miguel's direction.
Despite the odd exchange, Y/n stepped into the glowing portal. As the familiar hum enveloped her, she felt a sense of calm wash over her.
Once on the other side, she took a deep breath, allowing the tranquility of her surroundings to ease any lingering unease. She reminded herself that Miguel's behavior was likely just a passing peculiarity. Nonetheless, the seed of suspicion had been planted, and Y/n couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

Y/n's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the distant sound of an explosion, and her instincts kicked in. With a swift motion, she donned her mask and leaped from her window, effortlessly navigating the cityscape with her web-swinging abilities. The urgency of the situation propelled her forward.
Arriving at the site of the explosion, the scene was one of pandemonium. People were frantically fleeing, while others endeavored to aid the injured. As the police arrived, one of the officers voiced relief at the sight of Spiderwoman's arrival, acknowledging her presence as a beacon of hope in the chaos.
As she surveyed the area, Spiderwoman's eyes fell upon the officers and, amidst the commotion, she recognized her father, Captain Morales.  She swiftly approached him, maintaining a formal tone befitting the circumstances, and to do not make him recognize her <<Captain, we need to clear the area. It's not safe.>> she urged, her concern for the civilians evident in her voice.
The Captain, his expression grim, shook his head <<There's another bomb out there, somewhere.>> he stated, his voice resolute <<We have to find it before it detonates.>>.
Y/n's mind raced as she processed the gravity of the situation. The city was under threat, and she knew that time was of the essence.
<<Then, Captain, make people get away, I'll search the bomb.>>.
<<Wait no->> the Captain tried to object.
With determination, she sprang into action, her senses heightened as she joined the effort to locate the second explosive device, her mind racing with the weight of the impending danger.

As Spiderwoman scoured the area, her senses honed in on an odd ticking sound. Her heart raced as she followed the strange noise, her instincts guiding her.
Tik tak.
Tik tak.
Tik tak.
The tension in the air was palpable as she got close on what appeared to be the bomb.
With every second ticking away, she approached the device with caution, her mind focusing on the delicate task at hand. However, as she reached the supposed bomb, her eyes detected something strange.
To her horror, it was a fake—a decoy meant to divert attention.
<<This can not be...>> she inspected the object.
In that moment of realization, terror struck. A deafening explosion reverberated through the air, signaling that the real threat had been elsewhere all along. Her mind whirled as the implications of the detonation sank in, and her realization hitted up in her mind.
The ground quaked beneath her feet as she sprinted toward the epicenter of the blast, her heart pounding with a mixture of dread and determination. The crowd dispersed in panic, and through the chaos, she realized it was the area where her father, the Captain, was. 
Without a second thought, Spiderwoman leaped forward, her instincts propelling her toward her father's location. As the dust and debris settled, a sinking feeling gripped her heart.
There was mess everywere, gigand debris where people could be under, dead or alive, and she couldn't find her father anywhere. She spotted some police officers, as she spoke immediately <<Where is Captain Morales?>>.
<<We don't know actually->> one of them answered, looking at the other. Her eyes widened behing her mask as her voice raised <<What you mean you don't know!?>>
In a blur of motion, she scrambled to clear the debris, her mind racing with fear and desperation. The weight of the moment bore down on her, and through the haze of chaos.
<<No no no... God please...>> she prayed as she threw debrits away, trying to clear the area, as police officers were just there and do nothings.
Till she saw something shine.
A star. The Police Star.
Her eyes started watering as she uncovered her father, battered and no longer alive. Feeling dead inside, she cradled him in her arms, her voice trembling as she muttered something that was not clear to anybody, as she started sobbing incontrollably, shaking and breathing heavily.
<<Dad... no... dad please...>>.

Cannon Event 

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