Dammit Hetta...

I couldn't hear anything they're saying..what could they even be talking about? I strain my ears to listen, it was Xaden's annoying voice I heard the clearest. " There's only so many of us and to many of them. We're all a big team now, we look out for our own you understand that first years? It's us against them in this damn school everytime one of us dies, it's music to their damn ears."

" Why are the odds stacked against us more, we're like every other one here." A meek girl says. I see Xaden turn his head to her, " Because you have..that." He mentions to the mark, " When they look at us all they see are traitors, and that's all they're ever going to see. They will never have our backs so we have eachothers. So with that being said...how was combat for everyone today? Who got their asses handed to them?"

A few raise their hands shyly, one being Hetta. I wouldn't consider her fight getting her ass kicked... One I noticed not raising his hand was Liam Mari. I heard from a couple girl gossiping he bascially ran across the Parapet. I noticed him sparring...he was damn good. He'd possibly give me a run..possibly.. I'm using that term loosely... if I got mad enough I'd kick his ass.

Xaden looks around he outreaches his hand pulling Imogen's arm up. " Get it up." He mutters. I could almost laugh, I wish it wasn't so dark because I know Imogen who be blushing hard from embarrassment.

" I heard you got your ass whooped by General Sorrengail's youngest." Liam laughs.

" I didn't get my ass whooped! When I went to stab her my knife slipped off and into her leg! I was just about to cut behind her knee when damned Aetos stepped in a swooped her up!" Imogen counters.

" She kicked your ass." Xaden says.

" Is she really that good of a fighter?" Another one asks, looking a lot like Xaden..maybe relation?

" I've seen better." Xaden answers.

I took all of me not to swing down and kick him in the face, I'm good..damn good . Especially to take down a second year.

" She fights viciously." Hetta says. " She seems to..lash out. I think she has a temper."

Xaden snaps his head towards her, " I'm sure you'd know wouldn't you?"

I can see Hetta freeze she stammers, babbling over her words. " Well- I-"

Xaden takes a step toward her grabbing her chin, " I'd tread..incredibly lightly Canvero." He warns, pushing her face away slightly. " Any other questions, I'm sick of talking about damn Freya Sorrengail."

They ask a couple more general questions, ones that I even took in the information from. Xaden is an ass but has good tips. "... For Battle Brief keep in what you already know. Write what they want you to say and think, ask the right questions, and take notes."

They all nod, Xaden exhales. " Good, and for that training.. Imogen, Bohdi, Liam and I will help train you for spars. You all break from different directions and don't get caught. If you do...keep your mouth shut where you just were..trust me..their punishments are alot nicer then mine...go."

They all nod, walking out of the woods in all different directions. Hetta just put her hood up and started walking when Xaden grabs ahold of her yanking her back, though he gently puts her hood back down. " I..highly..advise you pick a side..very...very...soon." He says softly, almost soothign but I could see how he was looking at her, a look that would maybe even scare me.

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